Night Changes

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Night Changes
; One Direction

We're only gettin' older, baby
And I've been thinkin' about it lately

Does it ever drive you crazy
Just how fast the night changes?

"James! Albus! Wake up right now!" Hermione yelled while cooking

"Harry, could you please-" Hermione started

"Right away!" Harry already knew what Hermione was going to request so he rushed upstairs into James' room.

"Jamie, wake up, we'll be late for Hogwarts" Harry said as he shook James.

James grunted and continued to sleep

Harry shooked him a few more times.

"5 more minutes" He mumbled

"Sorry but no" Harry said as the dark brown haired got up

Harry got out and entered Albus' room but saw him getting up

"Oh Al, go get ready" Harry said as he dragged Albus out of the room

"Morning mom, dad, James and Albus" Rose, the youngest, greeted

She was all ready and up

"How you feeling Rosie?" Hermione asked her daughter who just turned 11 and was going to Hogwarts for the first time

"Nervous and scared" She replied

"Don't worry, Rose, we'll show you how things are done, right Albus?" James exclaimed

"Yeah" Albus replied awkwardly

"Boys, get ready and have breakfast" Hermione said as she flipped the pancakes.

Harry joined to help her and Rose just sat on the couch with a book on her lap

After a few minutes, the boys came out with their Gryffindor robes.

"Let's eat!" Harry said as the family ate

"What's the time?" Hermione asked

"10:30" James replied

"We better go!" Hermione exclaimed as she got up

"There's still half an hour!" Albus whined

"Half an hour won't be enough for you 3 talking with uncle Ron" Hermione said

They all agreed and Harry drove to King Cross Station

After they all arrived

"Uncle Ron!" Rose yelled and hugged Ron's knees

"Rosie!" Ron said and bent down to hug Rose

"Hey Harry, Hermione, James and Albus" Ron greeted as the golden trio hugged eachother

"Rose, have you packed everything?" Hermione asked for the 100th time

"Yes" Rose rolled her eyes

"Hoodie, Trunk, James and Albus" She said as Rose laughed

She gave all three of her children a big hug same for Harry.

"You will write to me, won't you?" Rose asked

"Everyday if you'd like" Harry said

"Maybe not everyday, more of once a week" Rose replied

"Got it" Harry replied as he gave Rose a small peck on the forehead

"They'll be fine, right? Harry?" Hermione asked

"Don't worry, Mione, they'll be alright" He said as he kissed her

Soon, they all have to go inside the train.

After the train took off.

Hermione spoke while sniffing and holding her tears

"Just felt like yesterday when we had our first anniversary in that very same cafe in Hogsmeade"

"I know, Hermione, just yesterday, you were holding little James in your arms after going through critical pain" He said as he smiled

She sighed and gave him a hug like she will and always do

While they were hugging, Harry whispered in her ears

"Just how fast the night changes"

Harmione One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora