I'll See You Again

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Shooting stars never fly for me
Heart on Mars, kinda hard to see

But you know you know I'll see you again
You Know, You Know I'll See You Again

Harry's POV
When he was 7 years old

I was very lucky that the Dursleys had bring me to one of their road trip which was to a countryside town in Yorkshire

I saw a young beautiful brunette girl sitting under a tree with a book at her nose. I was admiring her beauty from afar because I could never have the courage to even say 'hi' to her.

That was until some mean looking girls and a fat boy came and threw her book.

"Hey!" She exclaimed

"What are you gonna do about it? Cry to your mommy" The fat boy yelled

I frowned at the sight, how could someone so ugly and stupid like him dared to attack someone who is so beautiful and smart?

 Suddenly, the snobbish looking girl came out and hit her

That's when I jumped out of the window and into the fields.

"Leave her alone!" I yelled

"Oh look, skinny boy's gonna help you" The boy snickered

I gave him a glare as I helped the girl up

He tried to punch me on my face but thanks to Dudley who has been boxing with me for the past few years, I blocked it easily and gave him a piece of his own mind .

He ran off crying also followed by the girls.

"Thank you" The girl said giving me a kiss on the cheeks

I felt my cheeks go fire and red

"It's okay" I replied

I saw Uncle Vernon putting suitcases into the trunk and said "I think I gotta go"

"Can I atleast know my savior's name?" She asked

"Uhmm well, Harry Potter" I answered and walked away

That is when I officially started loving her not liking, loving.

"I love you!" She yelled and I ran back to her

"I love you too" I replied hugging her

"But we'll probably never meet again in this huge world" She said holding my hands

I let go after I heard Uncle Vernon shout my name

"You know you know I'll see you again" That was the last words I said to her after meeting her again

3rd Person POV

The same spot they met years ago

"Harry" Hermione called

"Yes?" He answered

"I swear I loved a boy who had the same name as you" She said kissing him lightly

"Wait, are you the girl who got bullied and a boy saved you and-" He got cut off

"Yes, wait are you really that Harry Potter?" She asked with wide eyes

Harry gasped and that's when they knew that they had loved each other since their childhoods.

"I can't believe I get to see you after many years, how lucky am I meeting you and loving you?" Harry said as he kissed Hermione passionately.

True Love always come back to eachother.

Harmione One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon