Dinner Gone Wrong!

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Harry and Hermione are secretly dating.

It was an early snowy morning in December, Harry Potter lies in his bed thinking about his one and only, Hermione Granger,.

Colno, who was his new owl, dropped a letter which was from the Weasleys.

Dear Harry,

Since it's almost Christmas we decided we would do a feast for our family and you. All the Weasley Family Members are gonna be there, even Charlie and you can bring Hermione if you want.

This dinner is to celebrate the ending of Voldemort and bringing peace to the world. Maybe you can confess your love to Ginny too. It's at Friday 4pm. Be sure you come! Mom really wants to see you!

You friend,

Harry smiled but wasn't too pleased with Molly acting cold to Hermione. Molly and Hermione had a weird and complicated relationship starting from Rita Skeeter's article. But he decided that he will bring Hermione.

Hermione apparated to Harry.

"Hey Harry" She called

"Mione, I have something to tell you" He replied

"Huh? Is there something to do with this?" She said and snatched the letter

"Yes, the Weasleys are going to have dinner and they invited me" He said

"They didn't invite me right?" She said

"Well, yes but no, they did say I can bring you" He said kissing her cheeks

Harry's POV

I feel really bad for Hermione. All she did was nothing! And she's getting hate from almost everyone except me and George.

"I don't think they want to see my face" She said

"Hey! Don't say that! If they ever say anything to you, I'll make sure I'll break their bones. Besides, you have me and George" I told her

She nodded and reluctantly accepted

Dinner Day

Ginny's POV

I hope Harry doesn't invite Hermione because she always ruin my moments with him.

Well, I don't hate her but I dislike her and so did my mum.

"Do you think Hermione will come?" I asked everyone

"Maybe cause I told Harry that he can bring her" Ron said munching on his potato chips.

"Ronald Weasley, I told you to not!" Molly shouted at her son

"I think he'll bring her either way" He replied as he head to his room and so did the others which leaves me and mom

"Mom?" I said

"Yes Gin" She replied

"When will Harry ever like me?"

"Oh dear, don't say that! He likes you but I think he's shy to admit it!" She exclaimed and hugged me

"Mom! Don't you think we should prepare for the dinner?" Ron asked from the kitchen

She rushed to the kitchen which was followed by me

The whole time I was wishing that Hermione would not come.

Hermione don't come

Hermione don't come

Hermione don't come

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