Romeo and Juliet

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AU - Harry and Hermione secretly likes each other but Hermione thought Harry just see her like a friend

Hermione's POV

How could I be so stupid thinking the Harry Potter likes me? I'm just his bestfriend and nothing more

He loves Ginny not a bookworm beaver like me.

Maybe, someday in an another universe, she would be his's.

"Hermione? You alright?" Ron asked

"I'm fine" I replied

and he grunted and left the room

Which leave me alone with my thoughts

I should suicide so I could be with him in another life

I am alone, no one loves me. 

I don't have a house to live in

My parents don't know me

I have no lovers

No supporters

What is life without all that?

Nothing absolute rubbish

I could hear laughter at the other room.

I wish I could have that but no


I will suicide and that's final but no one would kill me since they would go to Azkaban after.

"Accio sword" I casted and a sharp sword appeared out of thin air

I held it and felt like a warrior

I wasn't ready to die yet

But I have to be

I took out a piece of paper and wrote

Dear Harry Potter, 

I love you but you're not mines. Maybe in another life, we would be eachother's. Maybe ...

I smiled as tears dropped onto the paper

I left the paper at the table

I took the sword and stabbed it at my own stomach.

I guess this is what dying feels like after all

Those laughters and talks on the other room still haunts me

I fell down immediately after the sharp sword went into my stomach

3rd Person POV

There, she laid on the carpet of Gryffindor's common room, unconsciously, with a note

Blood dripping everywhere 

Ginny and Harry came into the room for some rest but mortified to see Hermione bleeding to death.

"Hermione? Hermione!" Harry yelled

"Ginny, call everyone even the professors right now!" He yelled 

His face went pale and expression went cold

He held Hermione's body close to his's

Slowly and steadily, he picked out the sword out of her stomach

"No! Hermione! NO! HERMIONE!!" He yelled out loud with crying

Soon, everyone came into the Gryffindor common room to see Hermione's dead body

"Oh my lord, Miss Granger?" McGonagall said as she shake Hermione's body

"She's          dead"

 There was a long pause from the two words

"NO, SHE'S NOT!!!, SHE'S NOT DEAD, I'LL PROVE IT TO YOU, SHES NOT DEAD!" Harry yelled with a thousand emotion inside him

"She killed herself" Hagrid said looking terrified by the events

"No she can't be dead, I love her and always will, she's not dead, she's just sleeping" Harry said in denial

He held her hands and interlocked it in his's

"Hermione, you can't leave me, I - I love you" He said and kissed her on the lips

As his soft and warm lips touched her cold and pale lips, he had accept it

Hermione Granger is dead

He saw a note beside her on the table

He opened it and saw the note she had written earlier

"I love you too Hermione" He said crying

By now, everyone is crying with their wands up

He took the sword and stabbed it in his chest

"Harry? What are you doing?" Ron asked furiously

"Mr Potter!" McGonagall yelled

But it was too late

Harry's dead body lied there next to his soulmate's, Hermione Granger's body

They were holding hands

Hagrid held both Harry's and Hermione's body in his arm and carried them to the cemetery followed by students of Hogwarts

They were burried together since their hands couldn't be separated

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              |           ●                       Harry and Hermione Potter                ●                      |
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              |                                                   1980 - 1999                                                               |
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              |                       Two loved soul, awaiting to meet in another life                 |
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               ________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                      |

         Everyone was devastated at their funeral

Hermione took Harry's name because, Harry loved her and she loved him back, if they live, they would surely marry  

Soon, a book was published:

                                                 Harry and Hermione

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