It's You

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5th Year
DADA Class

"So class, what is the spell to cast a patro-" Umbridge said classily until she was interupted by Hermione

"Expecto Patronun" She answered and Umbridge didn't seem so delight

"50 points from Gryffindor and detention for you Miss. Granger" She said which make the brunette frown.

"But professor, she did nothin-" Harry said and was cut off by the pink lady

"Ahh ahh another 50 points from Gryffindor and detention from you, Mr. Potter" She laughed

The students doesn't seem to enjoy the professor.

Soon, that boring useless class was over.

"Such a frog is she?" Ron grunted

"Something that we finally agreed on" Hermione replied with a huge frown plastered on her face

"Oh hello Mr. Potter and Miss Granger, meet me at 5pm today" She said jokingly and walked off

"Rubbish" Hermione mumbled

"My-my Hermione Granger hating a teacher! A rare thing to see" Harry chuckled

"Well, she is very hateable (hate-able) so what can I say" Hermione shrugged

Ron and Harry laughed

"Hello" George greeted

"Guys" Fred finished

"We are planning to-"

"Destroy the next DADA class"

"Brilliant idea!" Ron exclaimed at his brothers

"No need-"

"To tell us"


"Kins" George teased and run off with Fred

"Let's just hope they don't end up in the office" Hermione said laughing

"Let's head out for dinner, shall we?" Harry asked

"Fantastic, I'm hungry" Ron said

"Honestly, Ronald, there's no time that you aren't hungry" Hermione said

They went to the great hall

Harry POV

Hermione had been acting all cute today and it's making me melt.

Yes yes, I sorta had a thing for her since 2nd year but I thought I'll get over it!

It's always her

And her

Not anyone else

It's you

It's always you

"Harry, you're quiet, mate" Ron said

"Harry?" Hermione called

"Harry!" She said and snapped her finger

I went out of my thoughts and back to reality

"Huh?" I said quietly

"What were you doing?" She asked

"N-nothing" I stuttered

"That doesn't seem like nothing" She replied and poked my face

I chuckled and turned bright red

"Falling in love, Potter?" She said smugly

I can't help but blush more and more

"Yes" I answered

"I love you too" She said

Without thinking twice, I leaned in and kissed a shock Hermione

Her eyes widened and so did the other's

Soon, her eyes relaxed and we enjoyed the kiss

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