Harry's Cheerleader

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Do you need me?
Do you think I'm pretty?
Do I make you feel like cheating?
I'm like no not really cause,
Oh I think that I found myself a cheerleader

Harry's POV

Haven't play Quidditch for some time

I'd really like support

Today was a match, Slytherin vs Gryffindor

I headed out for breakfast and sat beside Hermione

"Ready for the match?" Ginny asked

I nodded

"Is this feeling normal for first time players?" Ron asked nervously

Hermione had been quiet since Ron and Lavender kissed

"Don't worry, Ron, this'll help you" I said pouring a liquid into his drink

"Harry! Did you just-" Hermione exclaimed

"Explain you later" I said

Well, I didn't pour liquid luck into his drink

It was just water pretend like liquid luck just to give Ron confidence.

"So I just poured water into his cup, it was for Ron to think he had luck by his side" I whispered and chuckled

"Ohhhh" Hermione said

Harry remembered how Hermione was always cheering for him and Ginny in every Quidditch match.

Whoever get her is one lucky man.

Or maybe she could make him one.

"Hey, Won-won, I hope you win" Lavender said as she kissed Ron

Hermione glared at them and turned away to her daily prophet

Ron waved at Lavender and she left

"Be my cheerleader" I muttered to Hermione

"I'm already, you dumb-head" Hermione said laughing

"Oii, what are you all about?" Ron asked

"None of your business" Hermione snapped

It was the first time in a long time Hermione had talked to Ron.

Ron looked taken aback and went silent.

"You know, I'll always be your-" Hermione started but got cut off

"Harry, Quidditch's starting" Ginny said and I got up

"Got to go, see you in the field" I said and kissed Hermione's cheeks

She blushed and Ron looked as red as his hair.

I went out the field and was surprised to see Hermione waving at me sitting cutely in the bleachers with her Gryffindor scarf around her neck.

How can she arrive there so fast?

Probably because of Ron's whining about the uniform.

I winked at her and smirked

As the match begun

She was always shouting my name or clapping

For me, she will always be my no. 1 cheerleader and the best.

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