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"I'm pregnant" She whispered

"What?" He mumbled softly

"I'm pregnant Harry, pregnant" She replied

That was 9 months ago ..

"Harry" Hermione said shaking

"What's wrong love?" He asked

"Harry James Potter" She yelled

"Hermione Jean Potter" He replied mimicking her

"It's not the time to joke!" She replied hitting him

"What happened?" He asked

"Can't you see?" She asked with pain in her voice

"Did water spilled over you?" He asked with a worried face

She screamed as she put her hands on her stomach

Then, it hits Harry

She was in labour


The husband picked his wife up and carried her

He took the hospital bag

"QUICK apparate!" She yelled

"I don't think it's safe for you to apparate" He replied calmly

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" She screamed

It was very painful for Harry to hear

"Hermione, love, please calm down, please" He pleased her

"Just be quick!" She replied, her voice getting higher every second

Harry floo to St. Mungos

"Someone! Please help, my wife is about to give birth!" He screamed

Everyone looked at him

"Please!" He yelled

"Please sign here" A nurse told the couple

Harry signed very quickly

"Name?" She asked

"SHIT! HARRY AND HERMIONE POTTER!!" He yelled at the nurse

"Got it sir" She replied scaredly

"Accio wheelchair" the nurse said and a wheel chair popped up

"Please put Mrs. Potter here" She said

Harry slowly put down his suffering wife

"Everything will be okay, darling" Harry said as he kissed Hermione's stomach

She replied with a big frown

"Can I please go with her?" Harry asked

"If you would like you, you may" The nurse replied

Harry nodded, took Hermione's hand and went into Room 365

"Mrs. Potter, start pushing in 3 .. 2 ... 1" The doctors said

Hermione squished Harry's hand as if it was a squishy

Harry was horrified to see his wife in such pain

She screamed and yelled and winced and cried

"The head is coming out, darling, you're doing it" He said as he kiss her hands

"ARGHHHHH" Hermione screamed

"Last push in 3 ... 2 ... 1 .." The nurse said

It was done

"Mr. Potter, would you mind going out for a minute?" The nurse asked

I nodded and gave Hermione a reassuring smile

But my inside was burning with worried

After a few minutes, I heard a baby crying

My face lit up when I heard that sound

"You may come inside" The doctor said

I quickly ran inside and saw Hermione with a black haired boy in her arms, she held him close

I sat beside her

"H-Harry" She said

He rubbed her back "Take some rest" 

Harry said smiling

"Do you have a name?" The nurse asked

"James, James Sirius Potter" The couple said smiling

"Thank you" She said and left the room

Leaving Harry and Hermione behind

Harry stared at his son's emerald green eyes

"He really is handsome, isn't he?" He asked

"He really is" Hermione replied

"Can I carry him?" He asked reaching his arms out

"Of course" Hermione replied handing James very carefully

"James Sirius Potter, born in 10:09 pm, December 15th, 2005, room 365, black hair, green eyess, just like his dad, parents ; Harry and Hermione Potter" He said with a grinning widely which made Hermione laugh

James, seeing his father grinning so happily, he also chuckled, which made the couple blow up in happiness

"Hermione?" He called out

"Yeah?" She replied

"I can't imagine how thankful I am for bringing our little James into this life, I can't imagine a better mother for him, I can't imagine a better wife for me, you are the best" He said with tears in his eyes

The couple kissed and little James looked at them with happy eyes

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