Heart Is Beating Violently

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The following day, Friday, Rosé called Ashley at work and asked her to come over that evening because she had a problem. When she arrived at the house, Ashley looked at her and knowingly commented,

"I assume that this problem has to do with Eunwoo! Did he find out?"

"I don't know how he could have, but something just doesn't feel right. He left for his meeting the way he always does and everything was fine. We talked on the phone that night and he was very loving and we were talking about how wonderful it was going to be to have a vacation trip at paris, after he came back from NY.

"When I hung up everything was fine. That was Wednesday night. Thursday night I was expecting the usual call at 11:00, but it didn't come. I got worried and about 11:30 I called him. Instead of answering, he sent me a text. Here it is, look. 'I'm not feeling too well right now. I'll talk to you tomorrow.'"

"Wow, I see what you mean. That certainly is terse, not what you would send to a girlfriend. Something is amiss.  It certainly doesn't sound like him."

"No matter how he felt or what problems he had, he has always called me! He...he always said that talking to me was the highlight of his day when he was out of town. Now he brushed me off with a two sentence text!"

Ashley's face was troubled. "Rosie, dear, I'm afraid that you may have a real problem. As I said, that is not the message you would send to a lover, but it is one you might send if you discovered that your girlfriend was cheating!"

"But how on earth could he have found out? Everything was fine Wednesday night and he wasn't even here Thursday. What could possibly have happened?"

"God knows! Maybe nothing. Maybe he simply didn't feel well enough to talk on the phone or to write a longer and more loving text. We'll just have to pray that there is some non-catastrophic reason and you are off the hook. If it's that, I hope to god that you are frightened enough to see that your fun isn't worth the unbelievable risk you are taking."

The conversation went on and on, but there was no solution and no answer to the question, "Does he know?" The one thing that came out of it was a firm decision by rosé that the affair had to end. She had decided that before, but, when facing Jungkook, her determination to end it was washed away by that feeling of wicked excitement that took over.

On the other side the day was very bleak in NY.  Eunwoo came down for breakfast with several of his managers and they were shocked by his haggard face. They were all concerned, offering to cancel the day's meeting if he was as sick as he appeared. He said that he was all right and that he must have eaten something that upset him and that he hadn't slept well that night. The latter was certainly true. Actually, he improved during the day as he became involved with the work. That night, however, gloom descended on him again as he stared at his laptop, fearing what he would see if he made the connection.

He couldn't put it off, however, so, reluctantly, around 10:00 PM he looked at the previous night's video which, of course, was actually early Friday morning

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He couldn't put it off, however, so, reluctantly, around 10:00 PM he looked at the previous night's video which, of course, was actually early Friday morning. This time it certainly was not the blank screen that would represent no movement in the bedroom after 1:00 AM. There was plenty of movement - all Rosé! It was obvious that she had a sleepless night, much as he had. The important thing was that she was alone in bed! After watching the recording of her restless night, he called her and assured her that he felt better and would see her tomorrow. Before he flew home, he checked again, and while rosé was still not sleeping well, she was still alone!

Nonetheless, he couldn't dismiss the picture of that man in their bed with her. Consequently, when she greeted him with a kiss and hug as he came into the house, there was an invisible wall between them.

"Oh, Baby, you look awful! Why didn't you come home yesterday! I think that you should see a doctor!" It was obvious that the love and concern in her words and actions were real, but that man was still there between them. Neither one, for the first time in their relationship, was comfortable with the other. The proverbial elephant was in the room!

Rosé mostly convinced herself that Eunwoo actually had been sick and that caused his aberrant behavior. She managed to put her concerns about that brief curt text message behind her and by Monday was feeling pretty good about their relationship. For him, however, things didn't improve. His heart was telling him that the man in bed was just some weird technical cross-connection glitch and that the man really hadn't been there. Unfortunately, his brain was not so gullible - the picture was lousy, but that was his bedroom, his bed and his girlfriend! He had to know the truth!

Consequently, Monday afternoon he managed to buy a high definition camera that was an upgrade option to replace the low quality original equipment in the bedroom. He plugged it in place and changed the time setting on the control panel to 6:00 PM to 2:00 AM. If anything was to be going on in the bedroom in the evening through early morning, he would see it!

Then, for the first time in their romantic life, he lied to rosé and said that he had an overnight business trip, leaving early wednesday and returning Thursday morning. That would leave plenty of time to pack for paris. It wasn't a complete lie because the particular client he chose to meet was having troublesome professional relationship, but there was really no need for an emergency trip. Still, he did make some improvements in their operations while trying to keep his mind off of his real mission.

Back home, rosé was pretty well convinced that Eunwoo knew nothing and that 'The Sword of Damocles' was not hanging over her head. She called Jungkook and arranged for them to eat out that night, unlike this time it was for a friendly chat. She wanted to tell him their affair was over and she can't do it anymore. But to her surprise this decision made her so emotional, more like devasted. This was the moment rosé realised how serious was this relationship for her. It gave her insight that she had already fell deeply in love with her Boss. This wasn't just about sex anymore.

While this battle of mind was going on, Eunwoo entered his hotel and fearfully turned on his laptop and made his connection to his computer and the security system. His fingers began to shake as he held the laptop gingerly, as if it were a bomb about to explode. Perhaps it was..............

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