Chapter 62

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"MIA group of companies?" Anjali raised her eyebrow with confusion.

Ashok looked at his sister cluless expression and explained about the software bidding to her.As soon as she heard that,Anjali eyes lit up.The most she liked to play woth codes and create software.Anjali know if she particpate in this bidding she will win it for sure.

Ashok was happy that he earned score from his sister telling about the bidding without knowing that Arjun was already removed her name.Anjali praised Arjun for finding the treasure like her to participate.Maybe she should give in to him.After talking with Ashok ,Anjali went back to her cabin to search about the MIA group of companies.

But why does she feel that she somewhat feel familiar with this company name.Where did she heard about this company.Aditya came to see her sister and asked "What about godmother?Why is Ashok calling you as sister?"

Anjali scolded Aditya on her mind for remebering everything.Anjali said how she accepted by Ashok's family as their goddaughter and also how well she was treated by them so that Aditya will think highly of them.

Aditya felt bad for her losing parents at the young age suffering because of her own cousin and murdering by her.

At least for now,all he wants her to be happy.

"If you are happy,then okay" Aditya rubbed her head.Anjali sniled cutely,"Of course,Iam happy"

Just then Aditya received a call from Atharva.Anjali face immediately darkened how Shelly said why she wanted to kill Manushi.

Anjali didn't tell Aditya the reason why Shelly killed Aditya.If he knows,the next second Atharva will be dead.The reason why he left Shelly to be alive was only because Aditya wants to find where Manushi's body was buried and who was the person behind Shelly.

Anjali was not sure whether Atharva was directly or indirectly involved with Manushi murder.She thought of leaving him for now.Aditya noticed the changes in Anjali face after exchanging few words he disconnected the call.

"Manu- Anjali are you okay?" still Aditya couldn't bring himself to call her Manushi.

Anjali shook her head,"Nothing,why did he call you?"

Aditya looked at her for a couple of seconds said indifferently like he didn't care,"Shelly was fainted in her room yesterday.She was admitted in the hospital due to high fever"

Anjali smirked knowing the reason,"I thought she would have contact that person immediately ,but still now there was no text or call went from her house to any unknown person"

Aditya thought for a second,"She might have burned her phone who have his contact.As far as I know Shelly was sly fox,she will never let herself get caught.I think we have to make sure that Shelly contact that person as soon as possible"

Anjali nodded her head,"You go to the hospital to meet her and do as I say"


Shelly was shivering in fright.After her mobile was hacked and displayed those words Shellt didn't switched her phone but she didn't expect those exact words displayed on her laptop as well.

When she saw those words Shelly was sure that Manushi was alive.It caused Shelly to be frightened and she fainted on her room.Shelly's mother went to her daughter room to call her for dinner but she was shocked to see Shelly fainted on the floor.

Immediately Shelly's father called an ambulance and admitted her in the hospital.The doctor checked Shelly and informed that she has a high fever.

Shelly's mother called to inform Atharva,because she knows how her daughter likes Atharva.If Atharva stayed with Shelly,maybe she will get better.Atharva went to the hospital to visit Shelly.He was also kind of shocked to see the shivering Shelly whose body was trembling.

No one can understand what's on Shelly mind other than her.Right now,Shelly was sure that Manushi was alive.

Shelly mind was filled with words which displayed on her phone and laptop.

Aditya came to the hospital.

"How is she?" even though seeing her disgusted Aditya still he doesn't want to reaveal his hatred towards her so soon until he finds about the truth.

"I don't know.Her temperature went down but she was shivering" Atharva said in a worried tone.He looked at sleeping Shelly,"If she saw her in this state,she might be heartbroken"

Both Aditya and Atharva know who that 'she' was.

Aditya gave a look at Atharva,"Do you still love her?"

Atharva mind filled with the loving face which made him to fall head over heels for her.Her smile ,her eyes,the way she giggle,the way she gets angry,everything was playing on his mind.Why did he have leave the country?If only he stayed here,he must have protected her.

Atharva was planning to propose to Manushi once he was acquired the project.Not even in his dreams he thought Manushi will be accused of murdering the professor and gone missing for nearly three years.

"Yes I love her.I will always love her"

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