Chapter 25

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When Anjali opened the balcony door from her bedroom she gasped at the sight.There was a setting made up like a camping area.The lawn in the balcony also filled with flowers.It looks so beautiful to see it at night time.Anjali lay on the swing and looked up to see the stars.

She recalled what happened in the living room.Things were not simple as she thinks.Anjali know that she got kidnapped on her way to the police station because she took the blame for Shelly but why in the file it said that she escaped from the police?

Did Shelly manipulated those things?

Anjali closed her eyes as she started to recall what happened after she fainted.

When Manu opened her eyes she saw her hands and legs were tied.Back of her head felt kind of heavy,maybe it's because of the hit she got earlier.Who in the world kidnapped her?Do they want money?Did they threatened her uncle to give money to release her?

Manu was sure Shelly will definitely search for her if she was missing.Manu saw a broken pieces of glasses nearby.She took it and started to cut the rope.She stood up and glanced at her surroundings.

Why does this place looks like a hospital ward?It must be abandoned for a long time.When she was about to open the door,it was suddenly opened by someone from outside.Manu panicked.The door opened and revealed Shelly.Seeing her made Manu to relax.She ran and hugged Shelly, "I knew it.I knew that you will come for me" she released her hug."Did the kidnappers saw you?Did you come alone?Come let's go.What if th" - before she could finish her words Shelly gave a hard slap which made Manu fell on the ground.

"Shell-ly" Manu looked shocked.

"Why didn't you die along with your parents?" Shelly asked.


"Anjali wake up" Arjun tried to wake the Anjali who was having a nightmare.

When the next door bedroom opened,Arjun lifted his head from his laptop to see Anjali entering into the balcony.His eyes narrowed and guessed Ashok must have allocated the bedroom next door to Anjali.He should remember to give bonus to Ashok.

Anjali failed to notice him who was sitting near the wall on the sofa in the lawn because her eyes were glued only to the flowers and swing.

Arjun thinks "Does those things looks better than him?

He knows Manushi was very important to Anjali, but he doesn't know why Manushi was important to Anjali?

While he was thinking Anjali heard a sniffling sound from Anjali.At the thought of her crying made him to ran towards her afraid something might have happened to her.He saw Anjali was crying in her sleep,'Is she having a bad dream?'

"Anjali" he tapped her cheeks.But still Anjali was mumbling and crying in her sleep.Arjun lifted her from the swing and carried her inside to her bedroom which was next to his.He gently placed her on the bed, "Anjali wake up"

He was scared.He was genuinely scared.He didn't even battled an eye when the enemy stab him with a knife in his stomach.He didn't even collapsed when his beloved grandfather left the world.But now he was scared to lose her.

What made her to suffer like this?What is she hiding from everyone?

He hugged her "It's okay.It's just a dream.Everything will be okay" 

After seeing the girl in his arms calm down he relaxed.Arjun stayed with her till the morning then he left to his room.

Anjali opened her eyes and looked puzzled.She was sure she heard Arjun's voice assuring her that everything will be okay.

Anjali and her friends left Arjun's villa.They didn't saw Arjun only heard that he left for his work.Anjali felt empty when she didn't saw Arjun during breakfast.

Later in the afternoon, Anjali went to the library to take notes for the upcoming exams,suddenly her phone ringed.It's from unknown caller so she ignored.

After sometimes it ringed once again, Anjali felt annoyed and put her phone in silent.In upcoming exams,Anjali decided to score for a full marks.When she heard that top scorer in the computer science department in these two consecutive years were Shelly.

If Manushi was here,it would have been her, the top scorer.Anjali was sure that Shelly must be cheated or she might have used the tricks which Manushi taught her in the exams.

Otherwise there is no way that Shelly could be a top scorer.This year Anjali planned to change the history of Computer science department.

Anjali looked outside the sky started to get dark, she closed the books and took her bag to leave the library.When she was on her way to the dorm, Anjali remembered that her phone was in silent.Anjali saw more than 10 missed calls from an unknown caller.

She called the number and the other side of the phone said "Why didn't you answered your phone?"

Anjali stopped walking when heard familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

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