Chapter 33

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After chased out by Anjali,Arjun went to see his baby brother.

"Brother is that big sister awake?" Chiku asked Arjun by jumping from his bed.

Arjun caught him in his arms, "Yes"

Chiku grinned "Take me to her.I want to see her".Ashok chuckled about the way Arjun was chased out by Anjali.If he went once again,Anjali might murder him.

"Not now.I will take you later to meet her" Arjun said.Chiku badly wanted to meet that angel who saved him.His mother said if that Angel didn't saved him on time he would have dead.

"But brother when will you take me to meet her?I want to give this to her" Chiku showed the drawing which he drew and asked Arjun "Mom said that Angel is so beautiful.Is it true?"

Arjun thought about the watery eyes ,clean forehead,cherry lips,peaches cheeks automatically made his lips curved,"Hmm she is beautiful"

"Then can I marry her?" Chiku said cutely.Arjun looked at his baby brother's eyes "No".Immediately Chiku's eyes started to tear up,"Why?"

"Because she is your sister-in-law.You can't marry her.She will marry me" Arjun said to him.Chiku glared at his brother like he was stealing his favourite toy "Brother she saved me.It's only right if I marry her,she will be your sister-in-law"

Ashok laughed internally two brothers are fighting over a girl who doesn't have any interest in them.

"If you don't listen to me,I will send you to boarding school" Arjun threatened.Chiku immediately lay in the bed covering himself with the blanket scolding his big brother in his heart.

In Anjali's ward

"You really scared us" Pooja and Geetha hugged her.Abhi handed her the apple pieces to eat.

"Iam really amazed to know that kid is Arjun Rathore brother.He confronts Aman so cool" Karan said.

"Aman?" Just then Anjali remembered that she was speaking with Aman before she saved that kid and asked them "Did he come here?"

Pooja and Geetha explained to her what happened.Pooja was fumed, "Is he an idiot?How dare he say that you are still his fiancee"

Karan banged the bed "I should have gone with you to punch him.Anjali you better chose our big boss .He is more suitable than Aman"

"I agree"

"I too agree"

The three of them looked at Abhi,"Why are you looking at me?It's her choice to decide"

Geetha glared at him" As a brother you have to advice her to choose a good guy"

"No one is suitable for my sister" Abhi said dotingly.

The three of them glared at him.Anjali felt her headache coming because of these four people she chased them out saying that she wants to sleep.After they left Anjali lay on the bed and started to think about what Pooja said.

Aman must have thought that Anjali would not have a heart to break up with him.But he doesn't know that real Anjali was dead because of him.She was now just using Anjali's body as a nut shell.

It will be better in the future if she does not come across Aman in the future.Right now she wants to know where she can find about that abondoned hospital.If she traced Shelly's whereabouts three years back she might get some clues.By thinking about Anjali slept till next morning the nurse walked to change the IV drips.

Once the nurse left,she felt someone opening the door so she turned around to met with cute boy .She saw the complicated look on the child whether he should enter or not.She saw the bandage on his forehead.She realized who this kid might be.

Anjali chuckled "My hand was hooked with the IV.It's kind of uncomfortable for me to move.Why don't you help me to pour a glass of water"

The kid immediately ran inside and pour water in a glass and give it to her.Anjali empties the glass,"Thank you so much.I was really thirsty you came in right time and helped me"

Chiku eyes brightened and said "Angel you think I was helpful to you"

Anjali amost melted in that adorable eyes.She couldn't help but pat his head,"Of course you are my hero if you didn't give me water I would have become a vampire" and she showed some hand gestures like biting him.

chiku laughed and asked Anjali "Are you feeling better now?"

Anjali patted his head "Thank to you Iam fine"

The next sentence which chiku said blew Anjali's mind.

"You are so beautiful.I want to marry you.Will you be my bride?"

Reborn HeiressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora