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Something that everyone in the world wants but only so many people have enough of it. I have more then enough.

But dad always says that I could have as much money as I wanted.

That's why I'm getting married. Again.

This would be my third engagement and I don't want it to happen, but dad says he needs the money.

His name is Johnnie and I'm meeting him tonight for dinner.

"I don't want to do this." I whined as the strings on my dress got tighter

"You have to Lana, think about our reputation." He said throwing his hands in the air

"He's going to be like the other ones." I grinded out through my teeth

"He's a good man." My dad said before leaving my room

I sighed, he's said that about the guys.

"All done." My stylist said smiling at my through the mirror

"Thank you." I smiled back before leaving my room and heading down to the kitchen

I heard my father's laughter echo through the hallways and I got closer to the dinner room.

"Tell me Johnnie, how did you earn your money?" I heard my dad ask

There was short laughter "Family serect sir."


"I'm being honest sir."

They kept talking to each other, almost forgetting that I was going to come walking right through the doors, I was making the decision on leaving or not but my choice was made when the kitchen staff opened the doors.

"There you are Lana! I was wondering when you were coming." My dad said getting up and pulling my chair out for me

I locked eyes with Johnnie who liked to dress more on the darker side which seemed to fit his personality. He must of felt awkward with me staring at him so he gave me a small smile.

He had a pretty smile too. It was a kind and rare smile something that seemed like you would only see once in your lifetime. I wanted to see that smile every damn day.

"Johnnie, this is my daughter Lana."

"That's a beautiful name."

I smiled "Thank you."

"Now, let's eat."

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