12. Paralysm - Stiles

Start from the beginning

Ropes snap and they slap the water as they fall away from Percy, and he lifts himself out of the pool in one push. He's completely dry, fluffy air falling at his ears, clothes hanging loosely off his body.

He's normal. There's no scales running down his arms, or claws ripping through skin, or blue glowing eyes. He's just immune ...to Kanima venom. Who else was immune? Jackson and Lydia, who both turned out to be supernaturals.

Lydia said he has an aura of death around him. What if he's a Banshee like her, and deals with all the same issues. The first being he didn't know he's a banshee until he had the overwhelming need to scream —Banshee screams are deathly, the most dangerous ability. What if he couldn't hold back and that's how he killed so many people?

And if he's a Kanima, then he's being used. All those people, monsters, that he killed were done outside of his control. He wouldn't have been in his right mind or even awake to know what was happening.

We can help Percy, if we can figure out which supernatural he is. Help him control the screaming, or find out who is controlling his strings.

I need Chris and Derek to leave, for them to understand that Percy might not be as dangerous as we —I thought. We need him to join our friend group like we initially planned, then watch him over the next few weeks.

"L –leave," I struggle to get it out, but Derek immediately looks over anyway, his hearing picking up my voice. "Kanima. We can help."

I pray to any and all Gods that Annabeth doesn't realise what I'm saying, and if she does, then she thinks I'm asking for them to leave like some helpless victim.

"Who can you help, Stiles?" Percy asks, and it's too late that I realise that his hearing is just as good.

Water beads down the side of my face, "no, no help us."

My voice is slurred and it must be enough for Percy to think I can't speak properly and he might just be hearing the wrong thing come out of my mouth. He walks towards the tree of us, still lined up against the wall like dolls. There's a slim moment of hesitation from Derek and Chris, but it's clear that they want to see what Percy is aiming to do.

He kneels beside Annabeth first, and places a steady hand against her arm, after that everything is out of my view. I can't see what happens to her or Lydia, only that he kneels beside them both.

Then he's in front of me, putting a hand against my ribcage where the dart pierces my skin. I barely notice how Annabeth is tugging Percy's arm, silently begging him to stop what he's doing. My mind is failing to catch up and all I can do is watch.

It feels like what I'd expect having a vampire drink your blood would feel like.

Inside every vein spread out across my body I can feel the poison, not my blood, moving like shards of glass towards Percy's hand. It makes my heart beat harder, and a muscle in my arm spasms uncontrolably. It feels weird, and unearthly, like my whole attention should be focused on every fibre of my being. But instead, I can't look away from Percy.

His face is barely thirty centimetres away, and I can see every flick of his eyes as he watches me. I can count every eyelash, and he has many. Thick, dark lashes that help his green eyes stand out like emeralds in the sand. The roots of his white strand are now dark, a hard contrast from the snowy strands. There's freckles dancing across the bridge of his nose and—

Air forces itself into my lungs and I nearly jump off the wall, filled with a sudden energy. The last time I came back from Kanima venom, it was slow and aggravating. But this is like having too much adrenaline. I could run a mile with how crasy I feel, and come back completely unbothered.

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