[Yung Filly]

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Summary: Filly doing your makeup. :D

Word count: 909!
Warnings: none.

Female reader!

Y/n pov:

"Hello everybody, it's Y/n and gosh I haven't posted in a while." I say chuckling while looking at Filly as he smiles.

"But if you're new here or have been watching me for a while, welcome or welcome back to my channel!" I say looking into the camera.

"Today, I'm gonna let my boyfriend, Filly, do my makeup." I say nervously while presenting Filly with my hands.

"Yeah so you know, I watch her do her makeup everyday and I know everything." Filly says smiling.

"Is that so?" I say raising my eyebrow as I look at him.

"Yeah..." He says softly.

"You don't sound sure." I say chuckling.

"Just out if memory." He says circling his head with his hands before laughing as I chuckle.

"Okay, what do we start with?" I ask looking at my table full of makeup.

He looks at the table as he goes silent before looking at me with a defeated smile.

"That's what I thought." I say laughing.

"You see, I'm getting bullied, from one of the people I love." Filly says looking at the camera while pointing to me.

"I love you." I say laughing before pecking his lips.

"That's more I like it." Filly says smiling as he pecks my lips while I laugh.

"Lets get started!" I say laughing as he bursts out laughing as he leans on my shoulder.

"Why did you say it like that?" He asks taking his head off my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I ask chuckling.

"Nevermind, let's get into the video." Filly says as he calms down.

"Okay, choose anything from the table." I say smiling.

"Y/n, what's this?" He asks as he has foundation all over his hands.

"Oh Fils." I say sigh trying to hold in a laugh.

"Why is that all over your hand?" I say chuckling before grabbing his hands.

"I don't know. I just opened it and it splattered on my hands!" Filly says as he rubs his hand, trying to take it off.

"Don't spread it more, Fil. You're not going to get it off." I say holding his hands.

"It's okay just put what you have on your hands on my face." I say chuckling.

"Don't laugh at me." He says smiling as he shakes his head.

He puts his full hand on my face before smearing the foundation on my face.

His hand touches my face and I jerk back.

"What?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"Your hands are cold!" I say chuckling as he keeps rubbing the foundation on my face while I close my face.

"You know it's suppost to be with a blender." I say chuckling as I open my eyes.

"Like an actual blender?" Filly asks taking his hands off my face.

"No, this." I say laughing as I take out the beauty blender.

"Oh." He says taking the beauty blender and rubs it on my face.

I didn't want to correct him on how to use it, I just close my eyes.

"I think that looks good." He says smiling looking so proud as I open my eyes before looking into the mirror.

I nod my head and give him a high five.

"Proud of you, Fils." I say smiling as he chuckle.

"Clean your hands." I say laughing before grabbing him a wipe.

He wipes his hands and looks arouhd the table and takes the blush.

He opens the blush container before grabbing a lot on the brush.

"Filly, that's too much!" I say removing his hand from my face.

"I think it looks great, see I make you blush." Filly says laughing while dabbing a bit of blush on my face as I chuckle.

I see him taking the eye shadow and places the blush to the black eyeshadow.

"No." I say moving my head back.

"What? You don't like that color black?" He asks.

"No, I love black." I say smiling.

"Then why can't I put this on your face?" He asks holding the eye shadow.

"Because you're the only black I love." I say smirking.

"Nah. I like that." Filly says as he stands up.

"Get back to work!" I say laughing.

"Love of my life, right here guys." Filly says smiling as he looks at me while I chuckle.

[time skip]

Once the video was finished, I walk towards the bathroom and wipe off the makeup.

I feel arms snake around my waist and head on my shoulder.

"Hey." I say laughing.

"Hey, my love." Filly says pecking my cheek before burying is head into the crook of my neck.

"Do you need something?" I ask smiling as I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck while he nods.

"Mhm?" I mumble as I tilt my head.

"Can you come to bed?" He asks as I chuckle.

"Yeah, let me just take this off." I say smiling as I peck his lips and turn around.

"I'll be in bed." He says pecking my cheek before walking towards our bedroom.

Once I finish cleaning up the makeup, I walk towards our bedroom to see Filly on his laptop.

I walk towards him, moving the laptop aside as I lay my head onto the crook of his neck while I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Night, my love." He whispers as I doze off.

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