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Summary: You have a crush on Harry Lewis, the most popular guy in school. You're shy to tell Harry how you feel, so instead of telling him, you write your feelings down.

Word count: 1935
Warnings: none.

Highschool AU!
Female reader

Merry Christmas eve and Merry Christmas to people who celebrate it today!

Y/n pov:

I take one last look around the uninhabited corridor I'm standing in, before slipping the folded note into his locker.

It wasn't the first time I'd be doing this particular trick/activity, but I am always afraid of someone coming around the corner and seeing what he was doing.

Leaving a note in someone's locker wasn't a crime, is it?

But am I exactly leaving a message for one of his best friends?

No, I'm doing something that was either very brave or very stupid, leaving 'secret admirer' messages for someone.

Not just any someone, either, I happen to fall for Harry Lewis, the captain of the football team and the most popular guy in school.

With a sigh of relief, I speed-walk back to my English class, grateful that Mrs. Goldstein hasn't noticed me coming in late.

I make it back just in time for the bell to ring signalling it's the next period.

I bite my lip nervously as I walk to my Natural Science class, taking my assigned seat in the back of the room.

Unlike the more confident classmates in front, I'd rather like to keep my head down and work quietly.

My seat in the back also allows me to stare at Harry for most of the period, since he sits one row next to me but 2 seats away from the back.

"She said she likes my smile and it makes her day!" Harry gushes as him and Simon Minter enter the room, a folded piece of paper in his hands.

"And she said my humor, of course makes her laugh and smile all day." Harry says sitting by their seats as Simon raises an eyebrow.

"So this girl just leaves you anonymous love letters? That doesn't explain how head over heels you are for her when it's completely obvious. You don't even know who it is." Simon says pointing to the letter.

"I kind of like a mystery." Harry says smirking, turning in his seat to look at Simon, who was in the same row as me.

"Instead of love at first sight, it's love at first..." Harry wonders for a second before his eyes lit up.

"Love at first write." Harry says as Simon rolls his eyes at Harry's pun while I try hold back my laughter.

"You ever gonna try and figure out who she is?" Tobi Brown, the guy who sits in front of Harry, asks, curiosity lacing his voice.

Oh no.

"I've been thinking about it." Harry answers.

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