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Brandon and Caoihme gave me questioning looks when I joined them back at the table

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Brandon and Caoihme gave me questioning looks when I joined them back at the table.

"She's right behind me, she has sorted her eye things now so she's all good." They were still staring at me, waiting for me to explain more. "These pancakes look amazing."

I was mid chew when Tia sat back down, she winced as her butt hit the chair and my brows furrowed.

"Are you in pain?" Caoihme questioned absentmindedly.

I stopped eating, Tia and I exchanged a look, both conveying something unspoken.

"Why would she be in pain?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah, why would you be?" I asked, her eyes sharpened on me, warning me to be quiet because clearly she didn't want Brandon and Caoihme to know we had slept together.

"I'm fine." She uttered, digging a fork into her pancake stack aggressively.

But I was confused. Why would she be sore? I wasn't exactly rough. The last time I left a girl sore was when I took Tina Millers virginity and even that freaked me out.

Maybe it's because my girth is abnormally wide. Maybe I'm too wide for her. God, no wonder she only wants it to be a one time thing, obviously I hurt her.

"I'm fine." She repeated, clearly assessing the concern on my face. "Really."

Her hand landed on mine and a surge of adrenaline illuminated within me, waking me up. Like she had electricity running through herself she pulled her hand back as quick as a flash and swallowed.

"I wish they kept the campus closed for longer." Brandon moved the conversation on, oblivious to the powerful feeling transpiring between me and Tia.

"Not excited to get back on that soccer pitch?" I coated a strawberry in whipped cream and licked it off.

"No way mate, I've been slacking on training and your mum has been feeding us a little too well. Going to need to up my game before we play Stan U next week."

"We're playing Stanford?"

"Yes, you know anyone there?"

I smirked my ass off, "nobody I can't handle." I licked more cream off of the strawberry and glanced at Tia who was staring at my lips.

She wasn't just staring, she was mesmerised, her own lips were parted slightly, her eyes had this love struck far away appearance and her gaze was hooked.

Naturally, I played on it.

Leaving Caoihme and Brandon to continue talking about college soccer competitions, I continued licking around this dumb strawberry.

Slow, caressing movements with my tongue. Teasing her from across the table without actually doing anything.

She was misty-eyed, caught under my spell. I parted my lips and placed the sweet fruit between them, softly biting into the ripeness and making a deep throated 'mmm' sound.

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