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Author's POV

Adrianna had aspired to explore the Trappist-1 in the Aquarius Constellation since she entered the world of space she wanted to explore the obscure Trappist-1.

Till now no human has reached the Trappist-1 solar system. So she wanted to go there also she would be the first and the youngest person to go to space and explore this solar system.

She had been researching on this ultracool dwarf star Trappist-1 she found that there are certain planets which are habitable and which have the potential of life on them.



"WE are entering in Aquarius constellation...."

"Copy that we are entering the constellation copy that.. from TP46 ship Astronaut Corps Adrianna reporting." Adrianna said reporting to her partners on space station.

"Astra did you see that we will reach there. Finally my dream will come true now i can explore all these planets." I excitedly exclaimed looking at my little buddy who is just small as helmet with metallic blue color radiating out from its body... Yes he is my robot dog he has been with me for the last five.

I'm am so happy today!!!

(in just a few hours)

(Then suddenly an emergency alarm rang on the space station signalling TP46 needs emergency help...they all turned towards big screen where the TP46 ships dash camera was ....the camera was turned back towards corps Adrianna who was barely breathing , all her face and body was drenched in sweat as she shivered in fear indicating her miseries towards space station attenders. She new something has happened to the space ship.)


"There is a solar storm, there is a solar storm."

"Ship has lost control all the alarms turned on the beeping sound is driving me insane arghh!!! I don't know what to do but I think one of the accessory oxygen tank has leaked "she said sounding frustrated.

I think the ship may blast if it is not detached. I need to detach that oxygen tank. I did it but now we have very less fuel what should I do now.

"no why is this ship moving faster suddenly..."she screamed in trepidation.

"Noo this can't be true no " she was getting anxious by every passing second.

"We are headed in a space hole shit! we have to evict this ship come fast as possible or else i don't know......" She lastly hopefully looked at camera and suddenly all screen got blacked out. They all again tried to reconnect her but all goes in vain it was of no use.

IN here...

There is no time, now the ship is heading in the hole no time to escape it's to late she said in her mind hoping for her partners to find them as soon as possible.

In one hand she hold her dear astra and closed her eyes.

And boom everything is pitch black is this the end, or this is the start of a new venturous journey in Trappist-1 and obscure secret's of Trappist-1 and the planets in it.

Adrianna's POV

'Am I Even Alive?' its my first thought as my body felt flat against something soft not hard like the ground but soft like a mattress. This was the only thing I remember vaguely after falling.

I was unconscious for a while because of the sudden fall. But were am I now? Its not earth not even any planet I visited last several years. Its different that this land is soft as cotton ball. Is this even land no no this not land or any surface below me.

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