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Pov Ricky

School was finally over, and he ran to his house, with Matthew following him. He had to clean up, before Jiwoong was there.

"Ricky. Can I go to my house? Do you need anything? Are you okay?"

"I need nothing. And yeah, I'm okay. Why, because he called me gay? Well, he's an asshole. I'm not attracted to boys at all. Go home and rest, now. Bye! Don't call me anytime soon."

Ricky said with one breath. Matthew looked confused, but ignored it, and quickly left. Ricky ran into his house, and looked surprised.

It was really clean. He forgot that he cleaned it the other day, when Matthew had left.

He sat on his couch, and closed his eyes. But he couldn't sleep. He was waiting for Jiwoong to come.

And he did. He did as Ricky told him. Right after school. The younger boy didn't expect him to actually show up after all the things that happened that day.

He immediately stood up, and opened the door, with a smile on his face. Jiwoong looked happy, but scared at the same time.

"Come in!"

He said, and stepped back. Jiwoong shyly stepped in, and took off his coat and shoes. Ricky, as a gentleman, took the elder's coat, and motioned him to sit.

"You're a... Huge WayV fan."

"Yeah, you really can't understand. All of my albums are signed. But they're all from fan meetings, I didn't order them signed. Lemme show you my room. Every single thing I have in there has every WayV member's sign."

Jiwoong stood up, and they went to the younger's room. He seemed surprised. He was looking at it, in awe.

"That's amazing. You have a different stand for the other units and half a room just for WayV."

"Mhm, let's focus on y- on the project. Go to the living room, and I'll bring my laptop."

Jiwoong nodded, and left. Ricky couldn't believe what he almost said. What was wrong with him?

He grabbed his laptop, and went back to the living room, where Jiwoong was patiently waiting for him.

"Okay, so. We have to find information about the Korean War. Couldn't she give us something easier?! That's boring."

Jiwoong nodded, looking at Ricky with love in his eyes, something that the younger didn't notice.

He was focused on the project, which Jiwoong obviously didn't care about. He was only looking at Ricky.

"Hyung, look. It says here that the Korean War was a major conflict of the Cold War and among the most destructive conflicts of the modern era, with approximately 3 million war fatalities and a larger proportional civilian death toll than World War II or the Vietnam War."

"Mhm, very interesting."

Ricky kept looking for information, thinking that the elder was paying attention, while Jiwoong was actually staring at him. But who could blame him?

"Wow! North Korea became among the most heavily bombed countries in history! Did you know that?"

"Oh, no I didn't. It's crazy what people can learn from these sites, really. Ah, I sound like my grandpa."

"Nah, I think it's cut- I think it's normal. Yeah, anyways. I think we should write all that stuff down. Give me a minute."

Ricky opened a writing program on his laptop, and carefully started to write everything, not wanting to miss a word.

And Jiwoong found that adorable. He was smiling non-stop, but the young boy was remaining oblivious.

"Is that correct? I don't know, my Korean is not the best. Did I write anything wrong?"

Jiwoong looked at the stuff Ricky had written, and shook his head no. He had done a really good job so far.

Ricky smiled, and opened another site, wanting to find way more information, and photos.

"On 25 June 1950 the KPA invaded South Korea and rapidly advanced s- hyung, help. How do I say this?"

Jiwoong giggled, and made Ricky flustered. He took the laptop in front of him, and started to read.

Ricky was impressed. He had to study Korean even harder. He wanted to be as good as Jiwoong.

"I don't think we need that. You can just skip it, it's not that important."

As Ricky was opening sites again and again, Jiwoong couldn't take his eyes off him. And Ricky finally noticed. Or maybe I shouldn't say finally?

"How long will you keep staring at me? You have to focus here, hyung."

"I want to kiss you."

Ricky was shocked. He was used to hearing that from girls, but not a single boy ever told him that.

Maybe they were all scared. Ricky was known for hating people from the lgbtq community.

"You can't. I don't do stuff like that. Focus here."

"Don't try to stop me. I always get what I want."

Jiwoong went closer to him, which made Ricky nervous. He started to sweat, and his arms were shaking.

"Hyung, no."


Ricky didn't know why. It was weird. That was something that only gays did, and he wasn't one of them.

"Nevermind, do it."

Jiwoong stopped. He was surprised, and shocked at the same time. Was Ricky just joking, or did he actually mean it?

He got his answer when Ricky suddenly grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him towards him.

Their lips were soon touching and Jiwoong's eyes were closed. But Ricky didn't know what to do.

He had never kissed anyone before. Especially a boy. But the way Jiwoong was kissing him made him feel good. It was obvious that Jiwoong had done it before.

So Ricky was just following Jiwoong's lips, when he caught himself enjoying it, and pushed the elder back.

"That's- that's wrong. No, I don't do stuff like this. Don't make me do it ever again, and don't tell me you want to kiss me again. Please."

Jiwoong was smiling, still 'drunk' by their kiss. Ricky couldn't believe that for a moment, he enjoyed it.

But it was hard to focus on the project again, after his first kiss, which, let's not lie, was really good.

"Do you need water, hyung?"

"Mhm, thanks."

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