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! Important message: ships changed, Matthew's with Gunwook bc Hanbin officially belongs to Zhanghao !

Pov Jiwoong

As school ended, Jiwoong got home, but he didn't go to his own house. He went to his family's house, after seven years of leaving.

Without even saying a word, he went to his room immediately, slamming the door behind him.

Ricky made him apologise for being who he is. He never did that for anyone, but when he was seeing Ricky, he just felt like he should apologise for even being born.

He loved him. He loved him a lot. His heart was beating for him since they were in 7th class.

But he always made him mad. Almost every single day. That's what happened that day, too. He was so mad, that he just started crying.

"Fuck you, Ricky!"

He screamed his lungs out. But that kinda made him feel better. He wanted to scream that to his face, but he couldn't.

His heart and whole body just melted when he was seeing him. He didn't know how he fell in love with him, and what made him fall.

But he just did, and he didn't care. As long as Ricky was in his life, he didn't care about anything at all.

"I love you, Ricky"

He whispered, and just hugged his pillow since he didn't have anything or anyone else to hug.

He then got a call from his seatmate and also best friend, Gunwook. The only person who ever cared about him.


"Hey, hyung! I was just wondering, would you like to hang out tonight? I'm kinda bored, I don't know if my boyfriend will want to hang out with me."

"Tonight? That's after 7pm. I have to work on the project- Wait, your what?!"

Silence. Gunwook seemed extremely happy that morning, and never told him what had happened. Now Jiwoong found out himself.

"You have a boyfriend?! A boyfriend?! Who's he?! I wanna know, please tell me, please please please!"

"Calm down! I'll tell you, but never ever mention anything in front of Ricky, okay?"

"I would never!"

"Okay so, I don't have a problem with Ricky knowing my sexuality, but Matthew has. Yes, I'm dating Matthew."

Jiwoong was shocked. The most homophobic boy's best friend liked boys. That was unexpected.

"That's. Just. Amazing! Congratulations my boy!"

Jiwoong forgot Ricky for some time, which was why he sounded so happy on the phone, while talking with Gunwook.

But that didn't last long. When they hung up, Jiwoong covered his head with his pillow, and hot tears started to go down his face.

Half of the students in his school wanted to be with him. Why did he have to fall in love with the boy that hated him the most?

"Oh my God, hyung?!"

Jiwoong's younger brother went in his room, without knocking, and looked at him with a worried look.

"What are you doing here? Didn't dad tell you that you should not spend time with me so you don't turn... Gay like me?"

"Hyung... I missed you. I missed you so much. And, mom broke up with dad. We told you nothing because we know how much you're going through. It's so hard, and we all understand it."

Jiwoong jumped off his bed, and looked at his younger brother with a really shocked face.

Those news didn't make him sad at all. They just made him happier, and his problem with Ricky just disappeared.

It was like Jiwoong never cared about Ricky in the first place. His father would never bother him again, and that was all that mattered.

"Wait a minute.... That's better."

His brother smiled as he wiped Jiwoong's tears away. The elder gave him back a warm, slight smile, and hugged him.

"Why were you crying?"

"It's nothing. I'm fine. Where's mom?"

His brother led him to the living room, where their mom was sleeping, with a smile on her face.

"She's finally happy. Isn't it amazing?"

Jiwoong's brother asked, as he tightly hugged him. Jiwoong nodded, and hugged his younger brother back.

"I'm going out with my best friend now. Would you like to come with us? I've told him so much about you. It's been like 10 years and you still haven't seen him."

"Sure! But I'll have to go home soon. I have to work on a project."

His younger brother nodded and ran to Jiwoong's room, something that made the elder confused.

"Can I borrow your clothes? Well, I always do it without asking you but now you're here so I need your permission."

Jiwoong laughed and motioned the younger to take whatever he wanted from his closet.

The younger got so happy, and started to jump up and down non-stop. Jiwoong had to use physical touch to stop him.

Jiwoong noticed that his brother chose the clothes that Jiwoong used to wear the most when he was younger.

And it looked so good on his brother, better than how it did on him. It felt like he was facing his younger self.

"You look amazing."

Jiwoong smiled, and gave the younger a pat on his head. The boy giggled, and fixed his hair which Jiwoong made messy.

"Lemme get my keys and we're leaving!"

His brother said and ran to his room. He got his keys, and they quietly left, without wanting to wake up their mom.

They were walking for a while, and Jiwoong started to get bored since none of them was talking.

"How long do we still have to walk?"

"We don't. He's right there."

Jiwoong looked up and saw a boy slightly taller than his brother, smiling widely at them.

His brother then ran towards him, and hugged him tightly like he hadn't seen him for years.

"You didn't hug me like that when you saw me, and it's been like 7 whole years since the last time I was physically next to you."

"That's different. Anyways, lemme introduce you to him. Soobin, that's my brother, Jiwoong. The one that I couldn't stop talking about."

The said Soobin looked at Jiwoong, shyly, and smiled at him. Jiwoong couldn't lie, Soobin looked a bit like him.

"Woah, Jun. You two look alike a lot."

"Huh? 'Jun'? Wait, are you guys sure you're just... Best friends?"

The two boys looked at each other, then at the ground, and blushed. Jiwoong looked at them with eyes wide open.


His brother murmured, and kissed Soobin quickly. Jiwoong squealed, like he was a little kid.

"We're dating.."

"It's obvious! Yeonjun! Why didn't you tell me anything?!"

Yeonjun giggled and raised his hands, doing an I-don't-know move.

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