Chapter 07

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Tsunade could not contain herself any longer and hugged the two extremely familiar figures to her.

"Tsunade?" Dan was as confused as little Nawaki.




"I never thought something like that existed, that guy is a god!" Dan exclaimed in surprise as he devoured the food on the table.

"But sister, I appreciate that you revived me and all, but why in a 6-year-old body!" Nawaki lamented.

"Because I wanted to remember when I took care of you." Tsunade, now comforted, affectionately squeezed her younger brother's cheeks.

Shizune stood motionless by her side, processing everything she had just heard.

Something completely unreal that would turn this world upside down.

A merchant?

Who sells even resurrection amulets?

Ninja techniques and blood limits too?

Does something like that really exist?

"Your knowledge is truly worth enough to revive us, Tsunade, you have become a great ninja." Dan praised lovingly.

Tsunade trembled at this, nodding slightly.

Naturally, she was not going to mention the fact that she became a prostitute just so she could revive them.

Instead, she lied to them.

"Tsunade-sama is truly amazing, uncle!" Shizune, upon hearing praise for her teacher, quickly confirmed.

"You have also grown quite a lot, Shizune, you are already a woman!" Dan smiled at his niece.

"Oh my, they serve such good food here." Nawaki devoured plate after plate of food.

It must be said that his appetite is no joke.

"So it has been more than 20 years, how is the clan, sister?"

"Nawaki, the entire Senju clan has perished. After your death, the few remaining members in the village died on missions, but thanks to them, we were able to win the Second Great Ninja War." Tsunade said sadly.

Nawaki suddenly stopped eating.

"I see." He murmured, also filled with sadness.

"Not all is lost, currently I don't have the strength, but if you become someone strong, you can catch that man's attention, and while you accumulate enough points, you can revive the entire Senju clan." Tsunade did not lose hope.

Upon hearing this, Nawaki's eyes regained their sparkle.

"You're right." Nawaki exclaimed.

"Grandfather Hashirama died in peace, reviving him would be disrespectful, but there are people in the clan who deserve to live the life that was taken from them so young." Tsunade said.

"You're right, sister."

"By the way, I didn't want to ask you this, but how did you die?" Tsunade suddenly asked.

Nawaki's face darkened at this.

"An ambush." Nawaki said in a heavy tone.

"What?" Tsunade stood up in surprise and looked her brother in the eyes.

"Yes, we were ambushed, I died in an explosion, the mission was given by Danzo, before dying I suspected that he had something to do with it, as I vaguely heard his name from one of the ninjas who ambushed us."

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