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Serena's/ Everest's POV/

I look at myself in the mirror before I go. I now have white scales. My eyes are a pale violet with black slits for pupils. I then decide to quickly French braid my hair. I take off my pjs and put my pale violet scarf around my waist. I then grab my white bandanna around my neck and lift the front to my mouth. I look one last time at my room doubting that I will ever see it again. Suddenly I have the urge to jump out of the window instead of climb. I dive out and land on my feet. Well, I guess turning into a lizard has its perks!? I run down the streets staying hidden in the shadows. When I get to the ware house I see my friends all scaly like me.

Jenna has all red scales piercing green eyes and her hair has turned completely black. Except for her red streaks those stayed, strangely. She had no cloths on...neither did the others. Thank goodness I brought enough scarves and bandannas for everyone.

Gabby has sand like skin with diamond shaped, teal, spots all up her back and arms. Her eyes are now gold with orange flakes throughout them. Her hair was now pale brown. She had teal streaks throughout her hair.

Eliza had rainbow skin almost. Her hair was now pure white. Her eyes are silver ,very bright with excitement, but also very scared. She is curled up in a ball on the floor next to gabby. I walk over with my back pack. I grab an ash grey bandanna, and a pale yellow scarf for Jenna. A mint scarf, and a sandy brown bandanna for gabby. A rainbow scarf, and a black bandanna for Eliza. I tell them to wrap the scarves around their waste like mine. I then wrap the bandannas around their necks, but loose enough to pull up and over their mouths.

"These are for our identities. We must keep them a secret, for we don't know who we can trust." They nod.

Gabby asks"Is it ok if I keep my goggles with me?" I nod & shrug telling her it doesn't matter to me. I then turn my gaze towards Jenna.

"Did you bring them?" she nods and then brings a duffel over to our circle. She sets it in the middle, and opens it up. I grab the weapons out of the duffel, and spread them out on the floor. " Girls, I asked Jenna to stop at the old dojo and grab our weapons. This is merely for defense only...Okay?"

"Yes..." They take ah-old of their weapons and Set them in their laps. I had my double sided twin fighter blades. Jenna had her bladed whip. Gabby had twin scythes. Eliza had her twin daggers. (Lots if twins!)

Eliza spoke up quietly"I actually brought some things to hold our weapons."She then pulled out some leather like straps."Luckily there is a way we can attach them to the really cool scarves that Serena brought us." She handed us each the straps that we had to put around our bodies. Gabby's made an X across her chest that in the back came together and had two slits that held her scythes. Mine was a two leather bags that I had to tie to my scarf like belt. Eliza had the same pretty much. Jenna had a small clip that was supposed to clip onto the side of her belt scarf and hold her whip. We geared up, and were about ready to come up with a plan of action. I had one last thing we should do.

" It is just a suggestion, but I really think we should do it......I think we should mix our blood streams, ya' know like prick our fingers and mix the blood. I think we should do this so if we are found and taken to some lab, they would take our blood and say or think we are sisters." They all took this into consideration, and finally one by one nodded agreeing we should do this. They all put their pointer fingers in the middle. I pulled out one of my double sided twin blades and pricked our rough scaly skin. We all then pushed our fingers together and mixed the blood. When we were done we cleaned everything up and packed our bags to go find a place to stay.

I then heard something come from one of the windows. " SHHHHHH! Girls look up there..." I pointed to the window were there was a shadowy figure. I kicked my back pack to the side and pulled out my blades. My sisters did as well, but facing three other windows that were now also occupied. " WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

" We aren't here to harm you..." The one I was facing said he then jumped off of the high window and landed about 5 feet in front of me. He. Is. A. Turtle. Then his friends or brothers came down too and landed beside him. " I'm Leonardo. These are my brothers Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. I'm the oldest and the leader. If I may ask which one of you are the leader?" My sisters then all looked at me....well I guess I am the leader.

"I am." I walked up and held out my hand. He shook it back then crossed his arms. I was going to tell him our names, but decided to tell him the names of our lizards instead. For two reasons, 1. They matched us now. And 2.It is better for us to have a new identity. " I am Everest. These are my sisters Flare, Crystal, and May-lee." My sisters looked at me in surprise then understood what I had done.

Leo's POV/

" Don't mind me asking, exactly did this happen?" Donnie asked one of the lizard girls. I wish I could see their full faces, they had bandannas over their mouths. They then one by one told us how they each had tuned into what they are now.

"MIKEY WHAT?!" He has been poking me for the past 5 minutes now.

"Can we keep them leo? PLEAAASE?!"

"Raph....." Raph nods back knowing exactly what I want him to do. He walks over to mikey and hits him upside the head. " Well, we can't keep them.....but if they need a place to stay they are welcome to come with us." I tell mikey and the girls. The white one or Everest looked at her sisters and then back at us. She then pulled down her! She was beautiful, it doesnt matter if she was human or lizard,!

"We except your kind offer. Thank you.." her sisters have also pulled down their masks and pretty much have gotten my brothers' attension too.

When they walk back over with all of their things I say " C'Mon we have to hurry before sunrise.." but by then they are already out of the ware house and climbing buildings. I can't wait to see what master splinter thinks of them.

{hey hope you liked. If you haven't read song within a shell yet go ahead and look now I know you are going to like it!}


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