Chpt. 13

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Everest POV/

I sit on the cement floor blankly staring at the stupid camera in front of me. All I can think of is, "Where are they? Why haven't they come yet?" I guess that I could be expecting too much myself, but according to the crack near the boarded up window, it's been two days since we were kidnapped by the foot.

I'm not able to move my tail seeing that they bound it to my back. They put ropes in our mouths and steel cages around our hands.

The only think that they didn't bind were our spikes. Crystal already suggested it, but when she tried she was too tired to even think going full angry lizard right now.

Ya, the fly man brought us food, and the foot bots gave us check ups to make sure we weren't going mentally or physically insane. All-in-all this place was ok...except for the constant stares from the foot soldiers and mutant pets of the shredder. Some of them a bit too long, so one of us would growl... but they only looked away for a small portion of time. Then they'd look back.

"Where is he...." I heard flare mumble. I feel a presence grow in height behind me so I turn my head. Flare successfully stood up.

She stumbled over to the camera. and she started to yell.

"Where are you!?! We put our lives into your hands and your failing us!!" She sobs for a second then looks back up, in the most pleading, vulnerable, pained face I've ever seen her make. She was terrified.

"Flare-" She turns to me with the face. I give her a small piece of sympathy, though I couldn't give much seeing how I was. She starts to cry harder. She falls to her knees and slides over to me. Her head falls onto my shoulder. I close my eyes.

"Everest...." I turn and see Crystal, and May-Lee looking at me, I nod. Their weights leaning against mine.

We have had some serious crap come at us in our lives.

Dramatically, Jam-packed to the brim with tragic back stories, and blood stained memories. But these were the moments I cared about so much. Through all of the abuse, terrible siblings, tears.... These three stayed with me and I stayed with them.

Though the more I hoped, the more I was let down.... The four other people I trusted with my life, are off doing who knows what, doing it who knows where....

Suddenly the fly man stands in front of the thick pane of glass separating us.

"Miss, Everest, it's your turn." Two foot soldiers come in and grab me out of the pile my sisters made. They all fell and looked around trying to find me, once they did they started screaming.

"Take me instead of her!"

"Let her go! "

"Stop it you jack-" though flare caught her tongue before the last part came out.

I just gave them a reassuring look and they all seemed to understand, but get angrier with every step that the foot soldiers took.

Once I was out of the room we were set into I realized that we were in a giant zoo basically. People sized tanks filled the walls, holding mutants of many varieties.

I was set down onto a table. The cold metal hitting my back. I was obviously strapped down. But, I kept my elbows close to my body, so that the restraints would be loose enough for me to attempt to wiggle my hands free. I saw the fly who wore the clothes of Baxter Stockman. I'm assuming he was mutated.

"So your the leader of the four lizard girls, Huh?" He says and lifts up a syringe full of mutagen. He puts it close to my neck and I finally get one arm free, and take it from his hand.

I let the syringe go and it shatters across the floor. I unbound my other hand, and then my legs. I attempted to get my claws out and it worked!

I slashed my way through foot bots, and strapped the Fly to the table I was left on. He kept trying to reach for a giant red button, but I pulled to table away and laid it against the large main door. I run up to my sisters tank and smash the key pad and the door opens. I untie them all and we hug.

"Ready?" I ask them all.

They nod and we find a platform with a window. The window had a crack in it and we crawled out. We were in the cellar of some old wear house. We ran to find the nearest sewer cap, and once we did we signed with relief and hugged each other tightly.

As we went down I heard screams coming from where we just came. I peaked through the cap to see Kraang droids, and foot bots marching down the streets. Along with Dog Breath, Fish butt, and fly guy. All names May-Lee came up with as we saw them in the lab we just left.

I silently let it down and we run back to the lair.

Before we entered I stopped. "What if they are in there?" I say.

"That's what we want though....right?" May-Lee asks.

"But... we yelled at them and hurt them through that camera... Flare basically broke down and screeched at them through it just before we left.... " Crystal said, and flare looked down.

"No.... maybe we should just go in and see how they react." Flare said.

We all seem to agree with that. I step in first, and look around. The lair was trashed, rats were everywhere.... and none of the guys could be found. My heart stops, and I see splinter in his room balled up. Crystal slowly goes up to him back he lurches back and hisses at us.

After we left the lair we left NYC through the sewers, we made it to some kind of run down rest stop and stayed there for a couple of months.

Things have changed since then, our personalities changed a lot. Our looks too. Before we woke up one morning, we saw a van speeding towards the city. Which from all of the news reports we were hearing, was over run by kraang.

"Casey...?" Crystal whispered. and I had a gut feeling the turtles were in there with casey.

"Girls..." They all look at me. "We are going home".

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