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A/N: Please do not copy of redistribute my work in any shape or form. Ask permission to do so.

----This chapter is written by Erogonwolf----

On a night of a full moon shattered in the upper top region reforming slowly back into place. In a city of 15 million people containing many races including humans, demi-humans, and monsters. In a Japanese style house, a person sitting holding their hand towards the moon like there moving the parts back into the moon. He is currently wearing a black kimono with a dark purple sash, with silver-white hair extending down slightly on the ground if they were standing and galaxy looking eyes with many stars within, looking about 180cm tall.

"Repairing the damage?" asked a voice from behind and in the building, "You know Ciel, and I can do that."

"I know," said the man, "but I feel responsible for it because you two asked me to show my full power in one attack, Remuru."

"Hey, I didn't believe you when you said you had enough power to nearly destroy the planet, Erogon" said Remuru.

'Notice, at your first encounter with him I told you he was five times stronger than you,' said Ciel.

"Stop being mean to him Ciel," said Erogon as they both instinctually flinch forgetting he can hear both of them, "I mean you didn't realize my power when you broke thought my door all those years ago. That was what fifty years after your great war?"

"True," said Remuru, "oh I have been meaning to ask, what is your title anyways? Like how mine is chaos creator."

Erogon ponders for a few minutes and responds, "I don't have one yet, the world is still trying to come up with skills and abilities to contain my powers, but I do know from my old world I was called a dimensional dragon one of the strongest types."

"I mean I was called many things," as he continued, " I was once called a hero, prince, king, honest, traitor, an outcast, murderer, liar, war criminal, a fighter." as he pauses again. "Now I'm none of them." as he looks at Remuru. "Now I'm just getting used to this world and hoping my allies get used to it to."

"So true" as Remuru responded and Erogon walks away to his assigned room for rest. 'Hey Ciel, how much has his power been analyzed sense he got here?'

'Answer,' responded Ciel, 'only eighty-five percent.'

"Damn." responded Remuru.

'Shall I recall you on your first meeting with him?' said Ciel.

"Yes" Responded Remuru.


In Erogon's room, styled like the rest of the house in a Japanese style with a few exceptions like a large bed that looks like a mound of cloth that Erogon lays down on.

"Rosealene how are locating the souls going?" said Erogon as a person that looks just like him appears the only difference is that they have reddish eyes and dark silver hair.

"Yes" she responded, "around two-hundred and fifty-two have been located, so now all souls have been located and have begun to shift to this world that will be complete in thirty years, with the exception of your parent's souls as they requested, the others will have their memories intact from your interactions with them."

"Good." affirmed Erogon, "we have been in this world for a long time haven't we, i think around the beginning I would say."

"Yes master," she responded, "even though Veldinava allowed us to be here after you destroyed your old world."

"True," said Erogon, "and I have enjoyed every moment of it watch this world grow and advance, disliked how the angels were mindless though."

"Do you wish to change that?" responded Rosealene.

"No," sniped Erogon, "that would change many things."

"Very well" said Rosealene as she returned back into Erogon.

A/N: this version of Remuru is the LN version from book 16 so if there some ability's that I get wrong for him don't be afraid to let me know. Now for Erogon's abilities.


Erogon WolfsBaine

Ep: 43,405,615 (+11.40 million total for his Blades)

Race: True Dragon (not from the central world)

Patronage: Erogon's Affection

Protection: Friend of the star Dragon (Hidden from Ceil)

Title: Dimension's Guardian (false), Dimensional curator ((true) Hidden from Ceil)

Magic: True-Dragon Magic, High-level Summoning (Angel, demon, spirit), Origin magic

Manas: Rosealene

Intrinsic skills: Dimension Detect, Dimensional aura, Dimension shapeshift, demonic hero haki.

Ultimate skills: Equinox (original skill for Rosealene), origin series (Infernal, Aqua, Tera, Silfie, Eclipse, Lucent, Void,)- this skill allows the wielder to copy and use any magic/spells they can think of or encounter, Throne of Hero's- any Hero's that have died in any world is recorded and can be utilized as a servant under control of the user (yes this is the Fate's Thorne), Gate of Beasts- the ability to call out the beasts of humanity and use them as familiars, other.

Tolerances: Cancel Melee attack, Cancel Spiritual Attack, Cancel Aliments, Cancel Dimensional interference - any skill or attack that attempts to change his form.

"The Dragon That Changed Everything" Rimuru X OC CharacterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ