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Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Is it like this? How do you treat your sister?

did you start ???? Felix exclaimed.

"Hwang Hyunjin was sneaking around.I-It is a bad habit. you know!?" She scoffed, which Hyunjin didn't mind one bit.

"It's....my.... way of channeling her hate into something more positive." Felix said while pretending to look out the car window and looking away.

Her insensitive expression didn't last long and she smiled slightly.

"She must feel insulted, then think of all the ways to get back at me. She'll think she can be better than me, and that will make her realize that thought. She wants to be better. Better. Apparently for a growing teenager, something like that is at the top of her future plans."

I want that!

"You always do something obscure.

Felix shrugged.

There are not many people who can understand my way of thinking. " The car stopped at a red light.

"Now we have to go to campus. I have a lecture this afternoon." Felix shivered at Hyunjin's gaze.

"W-Why? You think I didn't go to college or got kicked off campus?" Huhhhh!?!?

"It sounds more like it," hyunjin said, not feeling the need to modify his speech.

"Some of the lectures can be done online, and I attend live lectures when I don't have a shooting schedule so there's no need to push."

They were silent for a moment.

"I'm majoring in film,if you want to know."

I don't ask !?!?

Poison in your tongue. she murmured


"Let me take you in."

"N-Not required." Felix refuses and jumps out of the car, immediately followed by whispers. ( shit don't )

Almost everyone looked at her, even some of them were sharp and didn't feel the need to lower their voices. They obviously didn't care if she noticed.

"Shameless. How dare to appear here."

shameless whore. She reappeared.

"Doesn't she really have no self-esteem! Cheating on someone who already has a fiance,she also flirting with kim seungmin Oppa. A few days ago she had another fight with another actress. She stolr Bae Suzy  Eonnie's role. Was going to play."

"Girls like that should disappear!" Die "

Felix's steps stopped.

"I told you I'd let you in." Hyunjin followed felix , stopping the girl from going forward.

"Wait a minute," hyunjin said when he saw the look on felix's face.

Hyunjin took off the hoodie he was wearing and placed it on the girl's body without saying a word, and felix was shocked when hyunjin pulled up the zipper of the jacket with a quick movement.

"And look, why would a guy like that want to be the manager of a girl like her?"

"Surely she gave her body to that man too. What other reason would a man want to be around a girl as scary as her?"

"Call me when you're almost done with your lecture. I'll pick you up later."

hyunjin turned around after making sure that felix made it to the lecture hall safely. However, after taking only a few steps, he was stopped by five girls in the hallway. In no time, they quickly became the center of attention of passers-by.

" Oppa," one of the girls said.

"Why would you put up with working with a controversial actress like her? You must be struggling to find a way to get her out of those scandals, right?"

Only he can hate and curse Felix. Only he has the right to do bad things to the girl. No one else.

"Have you ever talked to her?"

The girl shook her head.

Have you ever spent time with her other than when you read articles or saw her on TV?"

Again the girl shook her head. ( jackass )

"So what makes you think you have the right to comment on her behavior if you don't know her personally and don't know what she actually did?"

The girl was silent. Her mouth was open, as if she was about to say something, but no sound came out.

"It's sad, isn't it?" continued hyunjin, not stopping until there.

"Hating someone just because she has advantages, things to be proud of. Meanwhile you have nothing." he mocked.

And Hyunjin realized knew clearly, that he was included in the list of those pathetic people. Felix has a family. He does not. That's why hyunjin hated her.

Felix stared blankly at the blackboard during the lecture. As her mind was focused on something else, she didn't listen to what the lecturer was saying in front of her. At the scent of mint inhaled by the nose from the jacket she was wearing. Now at the warm feeling the jacket gave her as it hugged her body. And about the interesting fact that she now wears a male item. The man she loves.

Felix pretends she's doing something on the pages of a book. This is the first time because she usually always pays attention in class, especially since this is her favorite subject. Film Analysis. Today they discuss western cinema, a very interesting topic indeed.

She was beginning to regret coming to campus today because it was clear that she couldn't concentrate. But if she hadn't come, this jacket wouldn't be on her now.

Hwang hyunjin, that annoying man, is so cold sometimes. Then the focus shifted. A moment later she was stupid again. And so is her heart. Sometimes looking at a man's face can trigger emotions. Sometimes hyunjin's treatment causes her high blood pressure. And sometimes, the most common thing, he can even make her fall in love.


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 29 ⏰

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