ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ -21.

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*snuff  out

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*snuff out.

I don't want to live there....

Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead

( She tries to normalize her breathing. )

ꜰʟx ᴩᴏᴠ.

I ran out of the house that afternoon with a business card from a talent scout who had taken an interest in me when we passed each other on the street, as well as some of my grandmother's savings. My whole face was swollen, my hands were bruised, and I was crying in the taxi that took me to the artist agency building whose address was written on the business card. I know my freedom awaits. Very close. Finally the house didn't stop me.

I knew at that moment that I didn't want a weak, lonely, and scared Lee Felix anymore. I will change!. I want to change. Become a new person. No more fun and one-sidedness. I must be so far above them that they had to close their eyes to even look at me.

I want to be like the sun. It's lonely, but still shining....

With that burning desire, I bandaged my still-bleeding wounds, picked up the pieces of my life that had been scattered all this time, and put it all back together. It makes a completely different appearance. That's my way of getting revenge on them.

I took my every step forward with that burning desire. My steps that never go back..


How long do I have to rest until the next scene!?"

Hyunjin handed her a bottle of drinking water, which Felix immediately gulped down.

Half an hour," hyunjin said briefly.

Would you like to accompany me for a walk outside? Hhm??"

She asked Hyunjin before leaving

"You can wear a jacket."

"You should worry about yourself, not me!. Mr Hwang.

.Me!?!?" Felix was a little taken aback by that sentence. She learned that the man was worried that she would catch fever and cold and disrupt the scheduled shooting schedule.

I rarely get sick and I am immune to cold weather. Also, I usually do this before it's my turn to shoot. Do you want to follow me or not????

hyunjin grabbed felix's script, along with her thick jacket, then handed them both before putting on his own jacket. It was quite warm inside the room because there was a heater, but she knew the air outside would feel very cold because it was still early spring....

Felix spread her arms wide . When she arrived outside.she took a deep breath and then smiled and looked at the clouds in the blue sky.

She ran her fingers through each plant. A slight dampness was experienced due to the coldness of the morning .She suddenly looked back at Hyunjin curiously....

do you watch dramas? Huh!??

Do you think I have time to watch dramas????

Yeah,Yeah, Yeah, I know.

"The way you choose dramas and movies is unusual," Hyunjin sneered.

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