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Felix took her cell phone and pressed the number dial to call Hyunjin's number.

"Come in," he said.

Heyyyy! Accompany me to lunch."


lixie ! What are you doing here?

Are you really asking me what I'm doing here?

Stop your stupid jokes, You don't know how much I'm worried.

Eonnie, calm down and don't raise your blood pressure.

Let it all go, We have tried to contact you several times but your cell phone is never active. How dare you disappear like that and only send messages to silence us. We're worried about you!"

smiled blandly.

"Aish, Eonni, don't overdo it. This isn't anything new," she avoided.

"You always do that." yeonjun turned her gaze to the man beside felix , then let her eyes widen. Amazed.

"You must be Hwang Hyunjin right?!" Yeonjun exclaimed, eyeing the man closely, then giving Felix a teasing wink.

Felix's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect such a move from Yeonjun.

"Nice to finally meet you," Yeonjun continued, extending her hand.

I'm choi yeonjun.

Hyunjin said very curtly, welcoming the outstretched hand.

Hwang hyunjin

"I'm choi Soobin," he introduced himself.

( No! Hasn't he been here for so long? Where did it suddenly come from????)

"Felix 's adopted brother, if she hasn't told you yet."

hyunjin raised an eyebrow.

Not yet! He said

Well, there seems to be a misunderstanding here that needs to be cleared up."

Oppa! you don't need-Did she tell you what really happened about the scandal a few days ago?" Yeonjun spoke this time.

Then looked at hyunjin.

He nodded slightly.

"I'll tell you even if you don't care," Yeonjun said nonchalantly.

"So, she visited Soobin's apartment and I was there. She slept there that night, but Soobin and I didn't. We stayed at my apartment," she explained.

"Do you know why she didn't kick us all out and go back to his own apartment?.

Eonnie,leave it-

"Because she fought with you that afternoon. Because you said something unkind about her. Don't you think you treated her very badly, hyunjin-shii??-"

How I should act has nothing to do with you,miss " Hyunjin said in a nonchalant tone.

And, one more thing! "I'm her manager and my job is to warn her when she makes a mistake.!!" I'm just doing my job.

Yeonjun looked at hyunjin for a long time. Assessing, observing the man in front of her as if he were an object of research.

Is he an researching object for everyone????


"You're interesting too,more than words!" Yeonjun smiled suspiciously.


ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ ᴩᴏᴠ

The woman in front of him clearly made Hyunjin uncomfortable. Especially after they were stuck together at this cramped table. Soobin had already said goodbye because he had a shooting schedule, while Felix excused herself because she needed to go to the bathroom..

He doesn't like to be watched, and Yeonjun does it in public, as if it's not rude. As if he is in the evaluation phase, the woman is undecided whether to accept him or not.

"You look confused?." yeonjun spoke up, and he knew that the sentence had meaning in another context.

"Feels unsure.! Hesitates." She continued.

He was still silent.

"Don't know whether to hate her or love her?"

What you mean?

That phrase succeeded in getting Hyunjin to speak.

Oh gosh !!!! What nonsense is this woman talking about? He thought

Yeonjun shrugged casually.

"I don't know the reason behind your attitude. But Lix mentioned your appearance once, so I noticed you first."

"You tried to do it quietly to avoid being caught, but you directed several glances at Felix. All of those glances had conflicting meanings. Once, you looked at her with a look of anger. Hatred. There's something wrong with you, hate her." Is that right? Hwang???

In her own words. He didn't know what to answer. The truth is, he wasn't ready for it....

BODYGUARD.(ʜyᴜɴʟɪx )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin