The mere thought of letting Theor go to the fair alone with Kaizen was unthinkable.

Unable to ignore her maternal instincts, Astelle stepped forward and firmly declared, "I'm going too."

"You don't trust me?" A smirk graced Kaizen's handsome face as he responded.

Astelle remained silent, her hesitation reflecting her doubts. How could she entrust her child to someone who had never taken care of a child before?

While Kaizen was undoubtedly a capable emperor, he had never shown any inclination or experience in caring for a five-year-old. In her heart, she would rather leave Theor in the care of Vellian than with Kaizen.

Kaizen found it interesting that Astelle asked to accompany them. "Well, if you want to follow us, feel free to do as you please," with a low, benevolent smile, he replied.

Theor's face lit up with happiness upon hearing that both Astelle and Kaizen would be going together. "Is Aunt Astelle going with us too?" he asked excitedly.

Astelle let out a sigh. "Okay, let's go together." And so, the three of them set off to the fair.

• 🍁 •

Theor's eyes widened with awe as he took in the sight of the bustling crowd. Never before had he witnessed such a vibrant and lively atmosphere. His gaze darted around, captivated by the surroundings.


Astelle, aware of Theor's fascination and the potential dangers of the crowded fair, held onto his hand tightly.

"Theor, be careful. Don't let go of my hand, no matter what."

As they rode the carriage through the bustling center of the capital city, Theor's attention was completely absorbed by the multitude of people around him. He was so engrossed in observing the crowd that he hardly spared a glance for Astelle.

"Yeah, I won't let go."

Understanding the potential risks in the crowded area, Theor held Astelle's hand tightly as they ventured into the midst of the bustling crowd.

With a curious expression, Theor looked around the eastern road of the square, where a constant stream of people came and went. The sight was entirely new to him, something he had never experienced before. Being someone who rarely ventured outside, everything felt incredibly fascinating and amazing to him.

His gaze fixed on the vendors selling colorful goods, Theor watched intently, captivated by the vibrant scene unfolding before his eyes.

Trailing behind the pair, Kaizen muttered, "The crowd is quite large." Astelle cast a glance over her shoulder at Kaizen, who was navigating through the throng of people, careful not to bump his head against the lamps hanging from the poles.

Despite the recent upheaval, the fall of the high nobility, and the outbreak of a civil war, the capital seemed to be thriving more peacefully than ever before. This tranquility was largely due to Kaizen's efforts.

"Have you visited this place before?" Kaizen asked.

"Yes," Astelle replied.

Kaizen appeared taken aback by her response.

"Why do you seem so surprised?" she asked.

"I just didn't expect you to frequent a place like this," Kaizen admitted.

"In the past, you seemed content to stay within the confines of your mansion. I can't imagine your father would have permitted you to venture to a place such as this."

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