Our Love Language is Discipline

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I got a punishment spanking last night as a reminder to take care of myself.

This morning, I woke up and got dressed in something other than pajamas, made breakfast, took my vitamins, drank water, and signed up for a yoga class later.

But it's not the spanking itself that helped jump start my self-care motivation. It's the fact that he cared enough to remind me. To lecture me. To love me.

The bruises this morning are a welcome reminder of that love. And the decisions I make today to take care of myself are ultimately my choices. He can't force me to eat or exercise or get dressed. I mean, he could. But that's not sustainable.

Last night he lectured me through the whole punishment and helped me face my excuses and identify the reasons why I haven't been taking care of myself.

He helped me focus my thoughts through impact.

He helped me recognize a problem I didn't even really know was there because I had become so stretched thin again.

He helped me see clearly so that I could make the right choices.

There's a misconception that in D/s dynamics like mine, the D-type takes care of the s-type. But really, in my dynamic, we support each other. And we take care of ourselves.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but D/s is a support supplement for self-improvement and mental health. Not a solution.

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