Moreover, given their contrasting personalities, it seemed unlikely that the two men would get along. Astelle frowned at her father's sharp reaction.

"I'm not sure. I met him at the temple this morning and mentioned that I would be leaving tomorrow. Perhaps he sent something as a gesture of goodwill," Astelle explained.

The Duke of Reston pondered for a moment before asking, "Did he say anything else?"

"What else could he have said?" Astelle responded.

'I declined his offer to accompany me, so he must have sent a gift instead.'

Count Ecklen was a kind man. During her time in Dentsu, Astelle had met his adopted son, Sir Seibel, who had also treated her with kindness and respect.

However, the Duke of Reston didn't share her simple interpretation. His pale green eyes, so similar to Astelle's, held a distinct glint. Astelle, noticing her father's expression, issued a warning.

"I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm leaving here tomorrow. I have nothing to do with the Count of Ecklen or anyone else."

"If you need money, I can provide more. Why not stay here for a while?" the Duke of Reston suggested, hoping to persuade Astelle to reconsider.

Astelle firmly declined, "No, I don't need it. Father, please just stop and go home. I have a lot to do packing my things."

The Duke's anger flared in his eyes as he was openly told to leave. However, Astelle remained unfazed.

"Yes, go somewhere in the countryside and enjoy your life with that dying old man!"

"Don't worry, because I am much happier living away from here with my father." Astelle retorted.

The Duke stared at Astelle for a moment before abruptly standing up and walking away, clearly indicating his disdain.

'I don't want to see you again, Father,' Astelle mused as she watched her father leave.

Left alone, Astelle opened the box containing the late Empress Dowager's belongings. The first item she laid eyes on was a picture frame. It held a drawing of a pure white acacia flower, a gift she had once given.

'You still kept it,' she murmured, a mix of emotions washing over her.

The painting, created during Astelle's teenage years, was not considered exceptional. Like other girls from noble families, she had learned art as a societal requirement rather than acquiring professional skills like a court painter.

However, the late Empress Dowager had held a deep appreciation for Astelle's delicate and beautiful artwork, always displaying it in her room. Even after Astelle had left the capital, she had no idea that the painting had remained in her possession.

Placing the painting on the table, Astelle was interrupted by a knock at the door. Startled, she turned her head to find a young man with silver hair standing before her. Astelle stood up, surprised by the unexpected visitor.

"Sir Seibel?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with astonishment.

Seibel, the same person Astelle had met at the ball in Dentsu, stood before her. He was the leader of the Lanberg Knights and the son of Count Ecklen, whom she had encountered earlier that morning. Seibel greeted her with utmost politeness.

"It is an honor to see you again, Lady Astelle," he said respectfully.

Curious about his purpose for visiting, Astelle questioned him, "What brings you here?"

"I have come to deliver a gift on behalf of my father," Seibel replied.

Astelle realized that it was Seibel who had brought the gift she had received. "Ah, it was you who delivered it," she remarked.

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