P5 - Chapter Forty-two

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10k reads special!!! Thank you all so much for your love and support, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

April 28th - 30th, 2021:

I was a little startled when my teacher walked up to my desk in the middle of class, telling me Miss Orchid wanted to see me.

I didn't argue. I simply took the usual path toward her office, my mind set on getting back to class as soon as possible.

I knocked on her door and waited until it swung open.

"Hello, Moon," Orchid greeted, making room for me to shuffle in. "I know it's been a while since we last talked, but I think I have something that may help your situation."

"My... situation?" I echoed, clearly confused. "What do you mean?"

"Your cutting," she clarified, and I internally groaned. "Before I try my method, I want to make sure you're comfortable with talking to some of your peers who have previously struggled with self-harm."

I blinked at her for a second.

"Of course, if you aren't, you are more than welcome to go back to class."

I debated on it for a few moments. Maybe there are people who can actually relate to me.

"I'm fine with it," I finally said, nodding. Orchid smiled before leading me to a part of her office I had always wondered about. The door behind her desk surprisingly led to what seemed like a conference room. There was a wide, elliptical table and chairs encircling it, but it was the faces that surprised me.

There were four other people there.

Sora. After everything she had been through, I could understand why. Fjord. Wow. Turtle? My eyes slightly widened at the sight of him.

And Qibli.

I turned to Orchid, and she gave me a gentle smile.

This is not real.

Orchid beckoned to a seat far away from everyone, and I took it, staring at my hands.

"I'll let you guys talk," Orchid said, backing toward the door. "Remember, the goal is to get comfortable with each other so you can all help each other, alright?" She looked at all of us for a second before sternly eyeing Qibli and Fjord. "And I know you two had a few issues, but I am asking nicely for that not to be a problem." With that, she finally left, closing the door behind her.

I looked up at Fjord, who shrugged innocently. I sighed, resting my head in my hands.

"Moon—" Qibli started.

"So, you used to hurt yourself, too?" I demanded, lifting my head. "And it didn't once occur to you to tell me?"

"I wanted to," Qibli admitted, "but that was more than a year ago, and there were already so many things wrong with me."

I turned to Turtle. "You. No wonder you understood me the most. You were always there, which makes sense, given the fact you went through the same thing. But of course you didn't tell me either. Figures."

Turtle sat calmly beside Qibli, searching my expression.

He was the first one to realize my arm wasn't injured from a chipped bookshelf. He talked to me calmly and was always reassuring. Why didn't I catch it sooner?

"Moon, I didn't tell you because it wasn't a factor in my life anymore," Turtle calmly said. "It wasn't crucial information. It was a depressive stage. Almost everyone goes through it."

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