P2 - Chapter Seventeen

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October 25th, 2020:

It was horrible. Mom was unconscious. Three ribs: shattered. Her spine: snapped. Head injury and a few more. She was hardly even alive, based on what the doctor said. My dad was paying for treatment, and I was looking for a part-time job to help pay for it. Meanwhile, Morrowseer said he didn't have room to take us in, so I told him Deathbringer and I would stay at a friend's house for a while.

Thank goodness Thorn agreed.

She let me stay home from school for a few days to get my mind back on track after what happened to my mother. Most of the time I sat at her bedside, but recently I decided to just stay in Qibli's room under his covers.

I couldn't bear to see my mom in the state she was in. It hurt a lot, and I barely managed to stop myself from cutting–mostly because Turtle, Kinkajou, and Winter all kept calling me to make sure I wouldn't.

It helped, but I eventually just put my phone on silent.

"Hello, Moon. How are you holding up?" Thorn placed a glass of water in front of me on her dining table before sitting down beside me. I took a sip of water and shrugged.

"I guess I'm fine, but she's not doing any better," I said as I placed the cup down on the table and stared forward. "I just want her to get better, but she won't stop dying."

Thorn rested her hand on mine in a comforting way. "I understand. My mother died when I was younger than you are now. I was devastated. The difference between you and me is that your mother isn't dead yet, so you shouldn't lose hope."

She was right–Secretkeeper wasn't dead. The most I could do at that moment was stay strong.

Great. The one thing I always fail miserably at.

"I'm thankful for all that you're doing for my cousin and me–people who you barely know." I turned to her with a faint smile. "Qibli's lucky to have you."

Thorn chuckled. "I think I'm the lucky one. Qibli's amazing in everything he does for me... and for you." She caressed my hand gently. "He really likes you, Moon–not like how he liked Sunset. Qibli doesn't need to try with you–you make everything easier and effortless." She smiled. "I'm glad he found you."

I felt my heart skip a beat and then erratically speed up.

Does Qibli really feel that way?

A sheepish smile spread across my face as I ducked my head, trying to hide my red-from-blushing face. "Really?"

"Really." Thorn grinned at me before standing up. "Well, Qibli should be here in a few minutes and I need to go shopping. Call me if you need anything." With that, Thorn turned around and grabbed her car keys from the kitchen counter before heading out the front door.

Once she had left, I stood up with a sigh, made my way into the living room, and plopped down on the couch. Qibli and the others were at school at the moment. I was going to go to school this morning, but I decided against it at the last minute.

I'll go tomorrow, I promised myself.

After a few moments, the front door swung open to Qibli, Sunny, and Deathbringer.

"Hey, Moon," Deathbringer greeted. "How's Secretkeeper?"


"She's doing fine," I lied as Sunny sent me a friendly wave.

"I'm glad she's doing okay," Sunny said, nodding. "Oh, and Qibli, don't forget to pick up Ostrich from daycare." Ostrich was Qibli's baby sister–almost a toddler.

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