P3 - Chapter Thirty

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December 31st, 2020 - January 1st, 2021:

I sat in the library, pretending to read a book when in reality I was off in my own little world.

Why had I said I didn't know? Why didn't I just accept Orchid's help? I really do need it. A part of me hesitated because of fear. I hated opening up to anyone I didn't trust, and for the moment, I didn't trust Orchid one bit. Sure, she was nice and considerate, but it was about more than just attitude.

Then again, I trust Qibli, and that's mostly because he's kind and considerate, too. So maybe it's just Orchid I don't trust. Maybe I'm still mad at her for telling Morrowseer? Speaking of which, I should really call him.

I sighed, settling back against the couch as Fjord walked in and sat down beside me. I didn't even bother looking at him. I had dealt with him for the past two days, and it felt like weeks. He was absolutely exhausting.

"What do you want?" I asked before he could even open his mouth to say anything. He chuckled, and I turned to face him with a tired glare. "I'm getting tired of this. I already told you that I'm not interested. What don't you understand?"

"I don't understand why you won't give us a chance," Fjord said with a shrug before grinning. "But I'll wait." He paused. "So, I hear you're dating that Qibli dude?"

"Mm-hm," I answered, nodding. "I am."

Fjord scoffed, settling back into the chair. "I mean, why him? He's so..."

"Perfect?" I tried, raising an expectant brow that dared him to argue with me.

He rested his arm on the head of the couch as he leaned back, sighing. "I mean, I see why you like him. He's good-looking and funny. Who wouldn't like someone like that?"

"His good looks are just a bonus," I said with a shrug as I skimmed through the book I was holding. "He's actually really kind, and I'd never leave him, so you shouldn't waste your time."

"Time spent with you will never be a waste," Fjord said, turning to stare at me. I scoffed, scooting away as I considered going to the girls' bathroom instead.

"Listen," Fjord said in a patient tone. "What about this: you let me take you out on one date to let me prove myself, and whatever your decision is, I'll agree with it completely."

"I'm good," I said, nodding respectfully at him. "Look, this was fun and all, but I'm going to go, so."

"Wait," Fjord quickly said, grabbing my wrist as I stood up. He stood up, too as I glared at him expectantly.

I pulled my wrist away. "What is it?"

"Might this change your mind?" Before I could even comprehend what he had said, he already has his hands on my waist and was already kissing me. I let out a muffled yelp against his lips as I tried pushing away, but his grip tightened.

When he finally did pull away, I slapped him.

"What the hell was that?" I demanded angrily as Fjord only smiled. "I said I wasn't interested, asshole."

He chuckled. "I'm into that. I'll see you at the New Year's dance?" He seemed so serious like he genuinely thought I was just playing hard to get. I had forgotten about the dance for a few hours before he brought it up. Kinkajou was talking about it nonstop the other day on FaceTime.

"I'm going but not with you," I snapped, brushing past him and out of the library.


"We're just waiting on Winter and Qibli now," Kinkajou said. People were all gathered in the school's garden for New Year's Eve. It was 11:25 PM and the music was already loud and proud. There was a timer on a large projectile against a wall in the garden and a crate of fireworks. People were dancing to the beat of the music as they drank fruit punch from a bowl.

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