P2 - Chapter Twelve

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October 13th, 2020:

"We should probably go now," Kinkajou finally said as she turned to me after we had watched Tamarin and Anemone for quite some time. "Anemone said she'd take Tamarin home when they were done."

"True," I agreed as I glanced at my phone. "Turtle and Qibli both texted me twenty times asking where we were."

"Same," Kinkajou said with a small laugh. We both waved goodbye to Horizon before walking out of the restaurant, Anemone nervously eyeing us as we walked out. I sent her a thumbs-up before she took a deep breath and turned to Tamarin again.

"Since when did you get a car?" I asked Kinkajou as I slid into her pink Lamborghini. "And when were you rich?"

"I'm not," Kinkajou giggled as she got into the driver's seat. "Winter got this for me on my 16th birthday. He still pays for it till this day."

Slight melancholy tugged at my heart as Winter came to my mind. Kinkajou must've been thinking the same thing because she sighed.

"I really miss him," Kinkajou admitted. "I keep texting and calling him to make sure he's okay, but he just leaves me on read."

I'd rather be left on read than delivered, to be honest.

"I hope he actually forgives me," I said in a quiet voice. "I have been too focused on wondering when Winter was going to forgive me that I never wondered if he was going to forgive me at all. I just automatically assumed he was going to decide that our friendship was worth fighting for without realizing that he could be moving on from all of us right now."

"He won't, don't worry," Kinkajou said with a smile as she started the engine of her car and drove out of the parking lot of the restaurant.

We made it to Turtle's house in five minutes. It had been my first time at his house, and I had to admit, it was pretty nice. Way better than mine, anyway.

There were two large pillars at the entrance and there were double doors decorated with fairy lights. His house was huge and had a structure similar to a mansion, which it probably was. My jaw dropped.

"Why are all my friends rich people?" I cried as I got out of the car and took my duffel bag out of the trunk.

"You should see Winter's house," Kinkajou said with a snort. "He practically lives in a palace. You'd think money would bring him happiness since so many people fail to."

"Gosh," I breathed as we walked up to the door. Kinkajou reached over and rapped on the door lightly. "I would kill to live here."

Turtle suddenly opened to us with a smile. "Finally," he joked as Kinkajou wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug. "You guys took forever. We're all in the living room looking for a movie."

"We weren't that long," I said with a casual shrug. "Besides, aren't you glad we got Anemone out of the house? Now it's just us."

"No, Tsunami and Riptide are also here," Turtle said with a sigh as Kinkajou and I made our way into the house. "But they're upstairs in Tsunami's room, so I'm pretty sure we won't get any interruptions."

"We'll be the ones interrupting," Kinkajou scoffed with a grin on her face before she reached over and took my duffel bag out of my hands. "I'll put this up in the guest room with Qibli's stuff."

"Wait, I'm sleeping in the same room as Qibli?" I whispered in slight panic.

"Yep!" Kinkajou said with a smile.

"I don't bite," Qibli said with a grin, suddenly coming around the corner and draping an arm over my shoulder.

He has got to stop hearing me at my dumbest.

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