P3 - Chapter Twenty-five

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December 20th, 2020:

"And then Glory started TACKLING me! Like, I know it was your secret, but it wasn't that serious!" Kinkajou cried. "So what Deathbringer knows you like him? EVERYBODY already knows, for crying out loud!"

It felt normal. It had been more than a month since I confronted Umber, and although he never mentioned a truce, he didn't talk to me or threaten me at all. I was a bit worried, wondering if he was plotting another scheme, but he never tried anything.

Sure, he was the one thing I couldn't stop thinking about, but it felt like I could now breathe properly.

We were all settled in Qibli's room. Qibli and I were both on his bed with Kinkajou and Turtle, while Winter had his legs propped on Qibli's desk as he sat in Qibli's chair.

Qibli had his arm draped over my shoulders as I rested my head on his shoulder. My mind still wouldn't stop whirling as I thought about Umber and the situation between Sora and Icicle.

"Wouldn't they make such a cute couple?" I added, settling back against Qibli. "I mean, you can't deny love, right?"

"Right," Qibli agreed, pulling me in closer, and I ducked my head, trying to hide my blush.

"Well, I know Glory like the back of my hand," Kinkajou said, flicking her hair. "And when we're up in the middle of the night together talking, she gets mega-flushed whenever I bring up Deathbringer. One time, she even squealed. I was so surprised, I had to ask her if she was okay."

"I bet Deathbringer would love to hear that," I said. "There's a rumor going around that he and Glory kissed again. They should honestly just date at this point. It's painful to watch them."

"Ditto that," Kinkajou said with a pained sigh. "I'll talk her into it."

"Enough about them," Turtle swiftly interrupted. "I have a proposal to make." We all waited expectantly. "What if we... play a game?"

I raised a skeptical brow at Turtle. Games weren't really in my favor most of the time.

"What type of game?" Winter asked, already frowning.

"Ooh! I vote Seven Minutes in Heaven!" Kinkajou said excitedly. "That would be fun, wouldn't it?

"Winter's still single," Qibli pointed out.

"I thought you guys were dating?" I asked, muffling my snicker when Winter sent me a glare and Qibli grinned at me.

"Besides, wouldn't that just be weird?" Qibli continued but winked at Winter. "I mean, making out with our friends? What if the bottle lands on, like, Winter and me, for instance?"

"Winter would love that," Kinkajou observed teasingly.

"Didn't you kiss him?" Turtle asked, laughing. " 'Sides, if it lands on Winter and Kinkajou, that might flourish their love for each other once again, and I'm not trying to be single anytime soon."

"You guys seriously are never going to drop that, are you?" Winter scoffed.

"I say Truth or Dare," I said calmly, ignoring the worried glance Qibli shot me. My friends all glanced at each other.

"It's alright, Moon," Turtle said. "We don't have to. I just suggested playing a game to distract ourselves. I have cards with me, maybe–"

"It's fine," I said honestly. "I want to. It'll be fun, won't it?" I sent a sweet smile at Kinkajou, who winced. "Who'll start first?" No one said anything. "Great, I will. Kinkajou, truth or dare?"

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