P2 - Chapter Fourteen

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October 16th, 2020:

~Part One~

Everything seemed to get much better now that Winter had forgiven us. Qibli had seemed skeptical of the situation and why we were all being so ominous on why Winter decided to come back, but he eventually caved in, too.

It was a little relieving to have Winter sit with us at lunch again. We mostly all pretended that the drama between Winter, Qibli, and me never happened, and tried our best to get everything back to normal again.

Even Kinkajou seemed to slowly forget what she had caught me doing in Turtle's kitchen a few nights ago.

"Hey, baby cuz," Deathbringer said, suddenly plopping down next to me. "How are you?"

I frowned at him. "Why?" I asked. I knew that whenever Deathbringer was interested in me and my day it meant he wanted something from me. "What do you need?"

"Seriously?" Deathbringer asked with a chuckle. "I genuinely want to know."

"I vote it's a trick," Qibli said, sending Dearhbringer an amused expression.

"It's not, I promise." Deathbringer gave me his most sincere expression. "With your dad gone and all, I feel you really need to talk to someone right now."

"I'm actually doing great, thanks," I said, patting his shoulder and pretending not to notice Winter, Kinkajou, and Turtle all exchanging a weary glance. "I appreciate you worrying for me, but you don't need to waste your lunch talking to me. Go hang with your girlfriend or something."

"Who, Glory?" Deathbringer asked, smiling. "We're not dating yet. I want to ask her, but you know, nerves."

"You should totally go for it!" Kinkajou piped up, and I was suddenly relieved she had something positive to talk about. "Glory's so into you! She was trying so hard to impress you for that Halloween party."

"Really?" Deathbringer asked, his expression becoming hopeful.

"Really," I said. "Now, ask her out, go on a few dates, then ask her to be your girlfriend with roses and chocolates."

"R-right now?" he stammered as I pushed him into standing.

"Yeah," Qibli agreed. "Take her to the garden. That should be romantic."

Deathbringer glanced at Glory nervously, who was sitting at the far side of the cafeteria arguing with Tsunami before saying, "O-okay."

He made his way over to Glory, interrupting her argument with Tsunami, and said something to her. I noticed Sunny's expression turn into excitement, and Tsunami sent Glory a skeptical expression. Glory rolled her eyes at all of them, even Clay whispering to Starflight. She then shrugged and followed Deathbringer out to the garden.

I turned to my friends and was about to say something when Kinkajou stood up and said, "I have to see this!" Of course, I wasn't going to object because Kinkajou was finally excited about something for the first time in the past couple of days.

"I guess I'm coming, too," I said, following Kinkajou to the window where we got a clear view of the garden. Qibli, Turtle, Winter, Sunny, Clay, and Starflight all joined us, confusing some of the students in the lunchroom.

Deathbringer stood in front of Glory, who was crossing her arms, and stammered a few words for a moment. Glory was watching him intently, taking in all of his words.

"I wonder what he's saying," Qibli whispered thoughtfully.

"Probably something stupid," I said with a slight shrug.

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