P3 - Chapter Twenty-four

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November 5th, 2020:

It's been a few days of being "broken up" with Qibli. Umber seemed to be on cloud nine, accidentally bumping into Qibli in the hallways, asking the teachers if they would pair them up for group projects, and even sitting with him during lunch.

Winter and Kinkajou were both now aware of what was going on and also played along. I could tell they clearly didn't like it since Kinkajou was less talkative and even Winter would occasionally cast Umber glares. I've also managed to refrain from cutting myself. Morrowseer had called me multiple times and I knew he wanted to talk about the phone call he had gotten from Orchid, but I didn't pick up.

I couldn't.

So, I've been sitting with Glory and her friends, trying to avoid Qibli as much as possible so Umber wouldn't get the impression that we were still dating. It was harder that expected to avoid each other. I found myself thinking about Qibli way too often throughout the school day. I accidentally daydreamed in Kestrel's gym class, and she had given me detention on Friday.

I didn't really mind since detention was a quiet place I could stay where no one, not even Umber, could bother me.


I looked over my shoulder to see Anemone standing behind me, fingers entangled with Tamarin's. Tamarin's long, auburn hair glowed as the sun from the nearby windows shone onto it. She seemed much happier.

"Hey, Anemone, hey, Tamarin," I greeted, turning my body to face them. They hadn't started dating yet, but it was clear they would soon.

"Hey," Tamarin said softly, smiling in my direction.

"There's a rumor that you and Qibli broke up," Anemone said curiously. "Is it true?"

I winced. A few people had come up to me asking about it, including Peril, who had mostly done it to say "I told you so" to my face. I wanted so badly to say no, but I knew I couldn't do that.

I hesitated. Can I tell her the truth? Surely she wouldn't go and tell anybody. Then again, who says Umber wasn't watching me right that moment?

"Yes," I finally answered, glancing away. "It's true."

"I'm sorry," Tamarin said, reaching for me.

"It's fine," I said, brushing my fingertips against hers. "It isn't your fault. I guess it just didn't work out."

"Did he do anything to you?" Anemone asked, slightly frowning. "Peril's telling everyone he used you, like how he used Sunset."

Of course she is.

Obviously Anemone didn't know the truth about Sunset, but it still angered me a little bit that she believed Qibli was the one who did something wrong.

"No," I answered. "We broke up with each other. The feeling was mutual."

"Oh," Anemone said. "Well, good luck, Moon." She guided Tamarin around the corner. I sighed before sucking in a breath and walking towards my next class.


I had found it.


It was exactly what I needed to get Umber to leave me alone. It was perfect.

But at the same, it was horrible.

"Qibli," I said cautiously, turning away from my laptop to look over my shoulder at Qibli, who was leaning against his bed frame with his phone hovering over his face. He glanced up at me. "You won't believe what I found."

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