P1 - Chapter Nine

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October 3rd, 2020:

~Part Two~

"Moon, goodness! What happened?" my dad cried when he saw my arm wrapped up. "How did this happen? Is it infected?"

"Dad, I'm fine," I said, brushing it off. "It's literally just a cut. I've been worse." Morrowseer sighed, leading me out to the car. "I'm just glad I get to leave school early."

"We'd better get you home," he said, rubbing his head. "Is there anything I could do?"

"No," I said as I sat in the passenger's seat and buckled my seatbelt. "I'm just pretty tired." By 'pretty tired' I meant I was too busy romanticizing about Qibli to worry about what my dad wanted to do for me. "Besides, don't you still have to go back to work?"

My dad grumbled something as he got into the driver's seat. He buckled himself up and started the engine.


"Hey!" Kinkajou said when I answered the group chat facetime. "Busy?"

"Nope," I said as Qibli, Turtle, and Winter joined in, too. "Just bored. Any homework assignments I'm missing out on?"

"Yup," Qibli said, picking up a stack of papers and waving them around in front of the screen. "To hell with this," he scoffed. I grinned, sitting up on my bed.

"Glad I don't have to do any," I sang happily.

"You know you'll still have to do all of it and more when you come back, right?" Winter asked skeptically, managing to find a way to ruin the mood. I was suddenly hating life again at the thought of doing all those homework assignments.

"Let's not talk about homework," Kinkajou interrupted, changing the topic. "Glory said the results for the cheer team will be posted online tomorrow. Ugh, I can't wait to find out if I made it or not!"

"Kinkajou, we all know you made it," I said with an eye roll, smiling.

"Okay, but still!" Kinkajou cried. "The tension is killing me!" She grinned. "Any of you guys have plans tonight?" I felt like she was looking in my general direction when she said that.

"Mhm," Winter said just as Qibli said, "Yeah."

"Oh... okay," Kinkajou murmured before furiously tapping at her phone. I received a message about ten seconds later.

Kink: you haven't picked one yet?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?

I quickly typed a response.

Moony: yup. Winter just doesn't know

A few seconds passed.

Kink: r u going to tell him???

Moony: too scared.

Moony: I'll just come up with some lame excuse as to why I wasn't there.

"Guys?" Turtle asked. "Are we going to talk or just chill..?"

"Hey, Turtle," Kinkajou suddenly said. "Can you come over today? I mean, since Glory's out with Deathbringer right now, I have no one to talk to."

"You mean no one to bother?" Winter asked with a scoff.

"Sure," Turtle quickly answered as Kinkajou started to rant. "I'll be there at 6:00." He paused, placing his phone on a stand and taking out his homework. "So, Winter, what are your plans anyway? Do you have to go to How-To-Be-Bitchy school?"

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