P4 - Chapter Thirty-seven

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February 28th, 2021:

Surprises always come when we least expect them to. Sometimes the surprise is good, sometimes it's bad, and sometimes you genuinely don't if it's good or bad.

And sometimes you don't know if you wanted the surprise at all.


I blinked up at the whiteboard, reading the problem that I was supposed to solve in my notes, but not actually being able to process it. My mind was a million miles away from my body. I couldn't comprehend life for a good moment.

Thorn had allowed him to stay a few nights, and Qibli still hadn't spoken to her, mostly because he still didn't believe it.

The second I saw my dad, I turned and ran up to Qibli's room and also avoided him all morning. He tried to talk to me any chance he got, but I'd always say I was busy or that we could talk later. In all honesty, I was mostly reacting like this because I knew Orchid had called him about my cutting, and I was too uncomfortable to talk about it.

And I also knew he wanted to talk about my mother.

Which I did not want to talk about.

You know what? I'll just settle for not caring. Yes, go through the day perfectly careless.

I walked out of my class and was yanked around the corridor without even a moment to comprehend what was happening.

I yelped, startled, and dropped my books.

"Eep!" cried a voice. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that." Just as I was reaching for my books, the girl crouched down and picked them up for me, and when I glanced up to look at her, I noticed it was Lynx.

Winter's girlfriend? Or are they still in the talking stage?

"Oh," I said as she handed me my books and righted herself. "You're Lynx from the skating rink, right?"

"Right," she said, tucking away a lock of hair. "Um, hey, hi."

I observed her for a moment. "...Hey," I cautiously said, nodding. "Did you need something?"

"Well–yes," she answered. "Some advice."

Oh. Wrong person, Lynx. I shifted the books in my arms. "That's not really a strong domain of mine," I admitted.

"Well, you know Winter, right?" she persisted. "This is about him."

Of course it is.

"Sure, we're friends, but if you need someone who really knows him, try Qibli or Kinkajou," I said, looking around. "Not Turtle, though. He's currently mad at Winter and I'm–"

"Please?" Lynx tried. "You're new here and Winter seemed to have trusted you faster than most people. I really need this–mostly because Winter's so hardheaded and I can't get a read on him."

I opened and closed my mouth, debating. It would distract me from Morrowseer, so it was worth a shot.

"A-alright," I hesitantly said. "What do you want to know?"

"Winter's type," she blurted. "Or, like, at least how to decipher his emotions." I squinted at her curiously. Was she being serious or joking?

"Um, I wouldn't say Winter really has a type," I murmured thoughtfully. "I guess anyone, really. There isn't a specific group of people. Uh, and as for his emotions... body language, I guess? If he's looking at you, he doesn't care. Whereas, if he's looking away, he does."

Lynx furrowed her eyebrows. "That's... interesting. Usually, it's the other way around."

"Winter's very peculiar," I said, slightly shrugging. "But if you get to know him, he can be pretty sweet."

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