Big Dreamers!

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The next day at the park. The four of them were having practice.

Ena: Woo! What a day. We did amazing!

Minori: Yeah! 

Shiho: Says the girl who said "yeah" who got a rejection earlier.

Minori: Wah! Don't remind me, Shiho-chan!

Nene: Fufu. 

Ena: You'll get it next time Minori.

Minori: Ena...She's right! No matter the number of rejections I receive, I'll dedicate myself to return on becoming an idol!

Shiho: There's the Minori we know.

Nene: By the way, may I suggest something?

Ena: Why go ahead Nene!

Nene: Lets become idols all together!

Ena: ..Eh? The four of us?

Minori: We all want to be idols after all!

Ena: Not only that, if we become idols together, we may be able to give out more hope if we teamed up.

Shiho: All of us together, huh?

Ena: I like it! We would be able to put on wonderful shows by helping each other. Spunds quite encouraging!

Minori: Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll join, Shiho-chan!

Shiho: If I'm going to become an idol, then I will want to be an idol the people who have moved me forward and have restored my faith.

Ena: Shiho...

Nene: Then its settled then! We're going to become idols together!

Shiho: May I ask Nene, what gave you the idea of becoming idols with us?

Nene: The inspiration came from two things. 1. Our dreams. But for number 2, its you Ena.

Ena: Me?

Shiho: Your the one who has given us the hope that was lost, now you've restored it.

Minori: Shiho-chan is right!

Nene: Its all thanks to you, Ena.

Ena: Minori...Nene...Shiho...

Ena starts tearing up.

Minori: Eh?! Are you crying, Ena?

Ena: No. H-Happy tears.

Ena then wipes them away.

Shiho: Now then, what do we name our group?

Nene: Um...Maybe with dream.

Minori: Dreamers maybe?

Shiho: That's a start. 

Minori: What next?

Ena: How about Big Dreamers!?

Nene: Big Dreamers!...That's a great name.

Shiho: I like it.

Minori: That sounds amazing! Big Dreamers! it is.

Ena: Lets work hard together as idols!

Everyone: Yes!

Ena POV: At first, our dreams were falling apart. But now, we are able to move forward together as a team!

Meanwhile in the STAGE SEKAI..

Rin: Miku! The white ribbon on your hair is about to fall off. Let me help you put it on.

Miku: Thanks Rin! Its about to start!

Rin: Lets do our best today!

Miku: Yes!

Big dreamers!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum