Scars of the past

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Meanwhile on main street

Minori: Mmm.

Minori POV: Shiho probably caught up on the hidden pain.

Minori: I have a feeling that Shiho is worried about her sister. Especially the weird thing that she is starting learn more on how to work her electronics, with her airheaded mind about technology, and they don't work well in the end.

Minori POV: Shizuku...

Flashback to the past. The day of MMJ's disbandment. At the Miyamasuzaka in the hallway

Minori: Hm Hm, time to practice with the others.

But then...

Haruka: Minori!

Minori: H-Haruka-chan! Is something  wrong?

Haruka: Head to the rooftop with me, hurry!

Minori: O-Okay!

Airi: What's going on.

Minori: Haruka said that we have to head up, and fast! To the rooftop we go!

At the rooftop...

Minori: Nobody is here so lets go!

As they go into the Sekai...

Minori: What happened here!?

The sekai was in wreckage. Lights were falling  down and the stage was cracked along with the screens. The glow sticks weren't glowing either.

Airi: The Sekai...

Haruka: There is no virtual singer to greet us.

???: Haruka, Minori, Airi.

It was Miku.

Minori: Miku!

Haruka: Why can't you move.

Miku: H-Her feelings...She doesn't feel the s-same anymore.

Airi: Who?

???: Hello.

The three of them turn around and see Shizuku, except there is no light in her eyes.

Minori: Sh-Shizuku th-there y-you a-are.

Haruka POV: Her presence! Its so overwhelming scary.

Shizuku: Why are you here? This Sekai is gonna collapse anyway.

Airi: Collapse. You mean, disappear.

Shizuku: That's right.

Minori: W-Why are you like this?

Shizuku: I want to find my own path. Right now, being an idol isn't the right path. So, I'm quitting from this day forward.

Airi: Your kidding are you?!

Shizuku: So this is the end isn't it. This is goodbye to MORE MORE JUMP.

Shizuku then teleports out of the Sekai as the lights crashed down.

Airi: Shizuku...

Airi then gets out of the Sekai and so does Haruka. Minori was still weeping. Miku had to force her out of the Sekai.

Flashback end.

Minori: I hope Shizuku is alright. 

Minori POV: Her eyes were like there was no soul left in them. So was her presence. It felt dark.


???: Minori?

Minori: Hm?

Ena: Are you okay?

Minori: Yeah, I'm okay.

Ena: Are you sure?

Minori: Well, I hope I don't take too much of your time.

Minori then explains about Shizuku.

Ena: I see.

Minori: I don't know why she is like this.

Ena: Well, scars will always be with her.

Minori: Scars?

Ena: Scars that won't be able to heal. May I tell you mine.

Minori: Okay.

Ena: Well, we both attended the same middle school with Airi back then also in junior high.. We became friends when I stood up for her when she was being teased by some classmates. Despite helping her back then, she wasn't able to help me even I've helped her.

Minori: What do you mean?

Ena: It was during junior high, when it was Airi's first time going to school in a long while and I said, I saw you on TV! I can't believe you really made your dream come true! She ended up saying something she shouldn't have. She felt so happy when I said that and she ended up saying something she shouldn't have...

Minori: What was it?

Ena: She said it's your turn now, Ena! As long as you work hard at it, your dreams will come true too! I fell silent after that.

Minori: Why?

Ena: She asked me if something was wrong, but she said it was nothing. A while passed before she  learned that me and my dad fought over what she wanted to do in life. All I ever wanted was to become an artist. But my dad would say otherwise and told me that I don't have what it takes to become one.

Minori: Ena...

Ena: Those wounds still haven't really healed either...I was always there for Airi from the start, but she's never been for me. I always said that it was alright but I knew that she knew I was in deep pain. That is why at first, I always wanted to disappear. But I still had hope to become an artist, despite the wounds never healing.

Minori: Ena...I now see what you meant. Despite having never healing wounds, you'll still have hope and move forward.

Minori POV: Just like I've been doing.

Minori: Thank you Ena.

Ena: Your welcome Minori. I better head to class now.

Minori: Okay, bye Ena!

As Minori left...

Minori POV: Yet, I have a feeling I took up her time.

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