Meeting up

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At the rooftop of Kamiyama High...

Nene: What are you doing here? Don't you take night classes?

Ena: Yes, that's right.

Nene: Then what are you doing here? First I deal with Emu and now you.

Ena: What does Emu have to with this, she is a Miya girl.

Nene: She sneaks in during lunch and the teachers have given up catching her.

Ena: Ah. I just sneak in the morning. I hate waking up early but I do it time to time. When I wake up late, I usually go to the park or draw. But when I do, I just sneak in.

Nene: But how?

Ena: I blended in with the students heading in. Since my classes are at night, I usually sneak up at the rooftop to practice. I also bring my lunch up here too, as my break time. I must behind that pipe over there. Sadly its not the best place, but it will do.

Nene: You have everything planned out. Emu, I believe its a not so much.

Ena: Wanna have lunch. I must stay up here and practice when lunch is over.

Nene: I see. To not get caught.

Ena: I almost got caught once by Mizuki who saw me in the hallways.

Flashback to a few weeks ago.

Mizuki: Time to head for class. I'll have lunch with An today as well! Hm hm. Hello Ena.

Ena then waves back. But Mizuki then stops shocked and turns around to see nothing.

Mizuki: I thought I saw Ena.

Behind a wall...

Ena: That was close.

Flashback end

Ena: That's what happened.

Nene: Well, you better not tell her it was not her what happened.

Ena: That's right.

???: Your gonna get caught for this.

Nene: Someone's coming.

Ena: Hide!

As they two of them hide behind Ena's hiding place aka the pipe.

Minori: I know, but I couldn't wait to talk to meet up for practice. I just want to talk her. 

???: You better not get caught though.

Minori: I don't want to bring my bad luck here, Shiho. But its a-must!

Shiho: First Emu and now you. What's next, Saki?

Minori: Hm?

Shiho: What's wrong?

Minori: Eep! Someone's here!

Shiho: Snap!

Ena and Nene peak out of the pipe.

Minori: Ena and Kusanagi?

Ena: What are you doing here?

Shiho: Ask Minori. She dragged me.

Minori: Don't blame everything on me!

Nene: I can see now why you brought Emu up, Shiho.

Minori: I couldn't wait any longer, so I had no choice but to sneak up here! But I just remember, you take night classes.

Ena: I practice here. When I wake up early that is.

Minori: Hey Shiho, Kusanagi, wanna join practice!

Nene: Hm? 

Minori: I'm helping Ena with dancing as she needs some help. Wanna join?

Nene: I guess I can, if I have time.

Shiho: I might have a shift though.

Minori: Okay then. We better head back.

Then Emu came upstairs.

Emu: N-Nani, what are you doing here, the bells going to ring soon.

Minori: Oh no!!!!

Shiho: Emu, can help us get out of here.

Emu: Sure!

Minori: Thanks Emu. Your a life sa-VEEEEERRR!!!!

Emu then grabs Minori and Shiho and rushes out of the rooftop.

Ena: She's fast!

Nene: That's Emu-chan for you.

Nene POV: Right now, I have a  lot of things on my mind lately. Like giving up to be an actress for one.

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