Painful words

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At the diner, the three of them and Iori were at the diner, ready for Iori to explain herself.

Minori: Iori, please tell us what happened. Did something happened to you and her? What did you do to her?

Nene: Minori, calm down.

Ena: Can you please explain more about yourself and then get more into the details.

Iori: Of course. My name is Iori, I'm of the main vocalist of the band, STANDOUT, which you guys probably never heard of, and I'm a friend of Shiho and her old band mates. Eventually, I thought I never see Shiho again, until I saw her with you guys. Its because I couldn't get myself to talk to her.

Ena: What do you mean?

Nene: Wait a minute...


Shiho: Quiet! I have no right to become a bassist.

End of Flashback

Nene: Did it have to do with the quote?

Minori: I think so.

Iori: Correct, when she said that, I knew it was her voice. So I came over and took in a minor eavesdrop side.

Ena: What eventually happened.

Iori: Well, how should I put this. Its my fault that Shiho is in this current state.

Ena: What do you mean?

Iori: We were all becoming pro, no matter what band we were in. I couldn't wait, and I was glad. Either way, I remember the time when we first met...


Iori: My name is Iori, the vocalist for STANDOUT. Sorry if this is out of the blue, but I wanted you to know that I love your sound. And... Would you like to join my band?

End of Flashback.

Iori: That was the time when we weren't on good terms yet. Sooner or later, I started to warm up to her and her band, we then began good friends.

Minori: That's good, right?

Iori: It is good a thing. But then, that "day"....

Ena: Hm? Iori-san, what do you mean that "day"?

Nene: When people say that, that means something bad must've happened.

Iori: Yes that right. Two of our group members, in my band got into the fight. It got me on my nerve. I was still angry at them. And then...(sighs).

Ena: What did you do?

Iori: I threw my anger at Shiho.


Shiho: Just calm down Iori-san...

Iori: No! Nothing will be alright. I don't want my band to be driven apart!  Why are saying that It will be okay! Besides, you don't have what it takes!

Shiho: Huh?

Iori: Why....Why did I try to scout you in the first place!

End of flashback.

Iori: In other words, I lashed out at her, causing her for Leo/Need to disband.

Minori: H-How could you!

Iori: When she left, I wanted to forgive her, but the damage had already been done. And now, it's too late to forgive her now.

Ena: How about tomorrow?

Iori: Eh?

Nene: Shiho goes to Miyamasuzaka. We can bring you there if you want.

Iori: I don't think I can show my face to her after what happened.

Ena: Give it a go! It won't work unless you try!

Iori: Okay then, I'll give it a go.

Ena POV: I hope you'll let us in, Shiho!

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