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"I was inspired by my father to do art. I've always wanted to become an artist one day. Even if my dad told won't, I knew that I had to keep trying. One day in middle school, I met a student who also happened to be an idol. When I met her, she said that I brought hope to her". I'm never gonna give up on becoming an artist, ever!"

???: And this is our final live stream as More More Jump! We hope you had fun with us, and sadly this may be good bye. This has been MORE MORE JUMP!

???: (Sighs)

Ena Shinonome was watching the final live stream of More More Jump, which consists her friends there. Especially her friend, Airi Momoi.

Ena POV: Time to head the park to practice.

At the park, Ena wasn't drawing at all! In fact, she was actually learning some dance moves from the previous streams and decided to practice.

Ena: I can't let Airi's path go to waste! After all, I want to help spread hope as well! 

Ena tried some moves but then tripped on her feet.

Ena: Ow. 

Ena POV: Minori, Shizuku, Haruka, Airi...

Ena: I have to keep going!

Then suddenly, something then flashed on her phone.

Ena: Hm?

Ena then picked up her phone and it said...

Ena: Untitled? Let me see what happens.

When Ena then pressed the the file and the file then flashed.

Ena: What's happening?!

She is then brought to a mysterious place which happened to be a stage.

Ena: Eh?! Why am I on stage?! Am I even supposed to be here?!

???: Of course!

Ena: Hm? That voice...

She then turned around to see...

Ena: M-Miku?! 

???: Don't forget about me!

Ena: Rin? As in Kagamine Rin?!

Rin: That's right!

Miku: Welcome to Sekai, a world created by your feeling and three others.

Ena: Who are they?

Rin: You soon to find out! And when you guys find your true feelings, the song will be born.

Miku: But it looks like our time is up! We'll meet again Ena, don't worry.

Ena: W-Wait!

Ena is then teleported back into the real world at the park to be exact.

Ena: Huh, why am I sleeping on the bench? That was a weird dream meeting both Miku and Rin. 


Minori: I have no luck with finding an agency to accept me. But I have to keep going!

With Ena...

Ena: Okay then, time to continue practicing!

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