Chapter 22

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Rory did not waste any time. As soon as his brother shut the door he was up and going.

It had been weeks since he had even had a productive thought. What he was about to do wasn't exactly productive, but it was progress. Progress towards the only thing he still wanted. The only thing his mind, soul, and body could focus on was finding his missing piece. He exhaled deeply as he let the steaming water run down his back.

He put on fresh clothes and stared at his reflection listlessly. Drops of water rested on his nose as he dried his hair. Closing his eyes he poured all his energy into a thought. Surely he could do it again if he had last night, all he had to do was focus.

"Lei, Lei, Lei," He called. But nothing happened. The room was still and silent. His own eyes stared right back at him with desperation. "NO!" He shouted angrily as he punched the wall.

His hand was bloody with just one blow. Soon enough his rage turned into nothing more than a temper tantrum. He buried his face into a pillow and screamed until there was a sudden flash on the glass.

He sprang up when he saw the ring glowing. "LEI!" he called at the reflection, soon realizing that Lei couldn't see or hear him. No matter how many times he called.

"It's okay... At least I can see you. At least you're happy... I had no idea you could sing like that-"

Rory stared in admiration, watching Lei practice on stage. He couldn't tell if it was real or an illusion. Either way, he didn't care. He looks painfully beautiful, he thought. Painfully happy, without me.

"Just what exactly do you think you're doing?" Rory froze as the projection on the mirror disappeared. Even though the voice was different he knew exactly where it came from.

"You-" Lizu's glowing figure was graceful and mystifying.

"He doesn't need you anymore." Rory didn't look Lizu's way. Instead, he closed his eyes, hoping it would just disappear. "Not that it concerns you, of course. You only ever think about what you want." There was a heavy silence and still no reaction from Rory. "Have you ever thought about how he feels? What he wants?"

"All I ever wanted was to make HIM happy. To give him everything I had to offer, to protect him..."

"For what? So you could feel better about yourself? So you could treat him like your little toy to play with?" He clenched his fists. Those words had hit his last nerve.

"WHY are you here?"

"To stop you. This isn't what you want, trust me. It's not what Lei-" Rory interrupted, shouting.

"IT IS WHAT I WANT. IT'S ALL I'VE EVER WANTED. It's all we ever wanted... If I find a way to cross-"

"You're terribly wrong. You're so fed up with yourself that you can't even see it. I pity you, but I will only warn you once. Do not cross that border. He's already found happiness."

Rory froze, letting out a small gasp as he saw the projection in the mirror. It was Lei, but he was not alone.

His heart was slamming against his chest. He stood upright, eyes ahead and fingers set on his guitar strings. He could hear the crowd cheering for the group that was finishing their performance and each second he blinked he wondered if the curtains would open when his eyes did.

Maxine stood in the middle and she looked as if not a cell in her body felt fear, but instead hunger and passion. The other members seemed well-prepared, but not with half of the confidence she had. He was standing next to Bonnie with his foot frantically tapping the ground.

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