"gucci, louis, prada"

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    I groan as I sit up on my couch, only just waking up, my tv still on and displaying my show I had resumed the night before. 'gosh.. again..?' I thought, holding my forehead in my hand before realizing my makeup was still on my face, which was patchy by now. 'fuck.' I remove my hand from my face and reach for my phone on the coffee table in front of me, only just now seeing all of Chanel's messages..

Chanel; Wanna get picked up? I'm going shopping for a new bag, Matt and Chris are taking us.
Chanel; Hellooo
Chanel; Girl, u got 5 minutes before we leave.
Chanel; Anastasiaaa
Chanel; I'm coming to get you anyways, be home.

    *KNOCK KNOCK* " 'stasia babyyy!!" She could hear Chanel sing from the front door before she used her own copy of Anastasia's key to unlock the door and bust in. Only to see Anastasia huddled up on the couch with the same clothes on from the day before. "Oh gosh, will you get up or what?" Chanel said, her furry coat covering her arms and reaching down to her ankles while her Louis Vuitton bag hung in the crook of her elbow.

     She was just that kind of girl, the girl who constantly needed to look and feel top tier or she'd be convinced her entire life is taking a turn for the worse and become extremely paranoid. Whether that be a fear of gaining a high amount of pounds, losing her boyfriend, failing school, sustaining a long-term injury from skating, or losing her apartment, which was paid for by her father. A successful business man.

      "I swear, I just saw your messages." I say, and with that getting up and heading straight for my bathroom, Chanel following close behind and that only becoming apparent and obvious by the clicks of her heels against my wood floor with every step. I strip down until I was fully naked, and turned on the hot water. Before hopping in. Chanel pulls her phone out and crosses her legs as she sat herself onto the lid of my toilet seat. "Have you seen that reel of Chris and Nick?" I hear come from Chanel on the other side of the curtain, I run my fingers through my hair while I think for a moment.

     "I might have, I dunno tho.. Show it to me." I respond, "Alright, hun," I poke my head from the curtain and she flips her phone towards me to show me the reel. The video displayed Chris and Nick in a seemingly recent recorded video on Chris moving back into the high-rise apartment where Matt and Nick already stayed. "Damn, that dorm didn't work out for him?" I say, pulling myself back into the shower and rinsing myself off once more before getting ready to get out.

     "Shit, I guess not. They're having a little gathering tonight. You should come," Chanel says. I grab my towel and wrap it around my body as I step out. "Duh. It's only polite, i'll bring a dish as well," I respond, changing into some appropriate clothing and slapping on very little makeup with the very little time I had before we head out the door and towards the car, where Matt and Chris stayed waiting.


"Finally, what the fuck took you two so long," I look up into the rear view mirror as Chanel and her friend climb in. 'always with the same girl these days. i knew i recognized her,' "Oh..! Don't be such a baby Krissy!" Chanel calls me out on my nickname while slapping me on the shoulder. "If anything, you should be a gentleman and just so kindly let me have your spot." 'the fuck..?' I look over at Matt beside me and realize why she wanted shotgun so badly now. A few awkward seconds go by until I just let out a breath and open my door. Stepping out and opening Chanel's door, watching her step out and waste an unnecessary moment to fix her hair, before getting into the passenger.

I take over Chanel's spot in the back beside.. Antonia? Alessandra..? Whatever the fuck her name is. Mrs. 'whatever the fuck her name is' looks over at me and gives me a polite grin. I realize how nice of teeth she has, probably nicer than mine.. I grin back, until she looks out the window.

"Hii baby.." Chanel spoke, softly now only because it was her lover. She hugs his arm that wasn't on the steering wheel, and plants a kiss onto his cheek.

'How cute..!'

'i might vomit.'


Matt turned on some music to fill the absence of noise in the car, but that quickly became a backup plan as Chanel and him spoke for what was going to seem like the entire ride. "So." I hear come from Chris beside me. "I didn't know you skate, I didn't even know you existed 'till about a month ago," I look over at him and finally get to actually check out how blue his eyes were. Way easier to admire when he's not 70 feet away or on my phone screen. "Yeah, Chanel started when she was 5, I got influenced by 6. Then her dad made her take it seriously, so I did shortly after too when I realized the benefits.." I respond, noticing that Chris had positioned himself a couple inches closer while listening to what I had to say. "What are those benefits?"

"Mm.. I dunno. Maybe that I get to go to university for free." I say sarcastically, "I just came from UHD down in Houston, and it's pricey.. I transferred here maybe.. 6 weeks ago?" I say. "Ah. Me too. Scholarship," He says. "Mhm. Oh..! And, my body of course. I'd look.. not like this, if it weren't for skating for over %75 of my life." I say with a laugh, noticing Chris nodding with a small smile before he glances down at my torso, as if trying to look for an 8-pack or something with my shirt in the way. "I might quit." He says after a moment of silence. "What? Oh god, why?" I ask, "I dunno. Shit has gotten boring. It feels mandatory now." He explains, slouching a bit in his seat.

     "I'm sure the thrill will come back. That used to always happen to me." I say with a smile. He looks over at me, again, and every time he did, it wouldn't be anywhere except for my eyes, or lips. "We'll see." He spoke. The car comes to a halt, and sure enough, we arrived at an outdoor mall.
Chanel squeals as her eyes dart down at every designer shoppe she could lay her eyes on. "Ohhh my god, babe. We're about to have. a. blast." She grins so widely before adjusting herself and giving Matt a too-tight hug. "I know we will, just hold on, baby," He says, smiling as he gets out of the car, and walks over to the other side to open the door for his girlfriend.


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