"Her Capture"

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We walk in quiet to his office, with his hand still in mine. He steps in and sits down on his chair, as I lock the door behind us.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I inquired about it.

"As we both know our marriage is in a month's time, so we have to go and prepare; like purchasing our outfits, where it's going to be hosted, and much more. I was thinking we may go today" he said.

"Oh, certainly. What time are we leaving?" I inquired about it.

"Right now, so go and get dressed, I'll wait

awaiting you in the main lounge" he responded.

"Oh okay, I won't take long" I responded, racing to his room.

"So, where are we going first?" I asked, when we were traveling in the vehicle.

A guy was driving, and another man was there as a bodyguard, sitting behind Adrian.

"For your dress, it's the most important thing after all" he said.

"But isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride's dress?" I inquired about it.

"You still believe in those things" he replied, with a grin.

"Hey, that's offensive" I responded, sarcastically.

He only laughed in answer. After a lengthy trip into the city, we eventually reached there and the guy extended me his hand as I got out of the vehicle.

We strolled inside the wedding dress store, and there were gowns in all shapes and sizes. A lady who most definitely works there walked up to us.

"Do you need help?" she said.

"Yes, my fiance needs a dress" Adrian answered.

"Of course, come with me" she responded, as the three of us followed her.

"What's your name, miss?" she questioned, searching for a dress.

"Sophia" I answered.

"Nice name. So, what are you searching for?" she inquired.

"Um, I don't really know. Something flowing, not too huge and with a flowery design and no sleeves" I answered.

"I think I have something to match that description" she remarked, bringing out a gorgeous garment, precisely as I had described.

"Let's go try it on" she remarked, as I followed her into a changing room. A few minutes later I come out, and I could see Adrian's jaw gaping.

"You look beautiful, cara mia" Adrian replied, with a smile. I faintly flushed and glanced at the lady assisting us. (my sweetheart)

"I think your fiancé is right; you look amazing and if you wear this dress everyone will think so as well" the lady remarked, with a grin.

"Okay then, this is the dress" I remarked, gazing at myself in the mirror.

I never imagined I would ever get married, or find love. I mean I don't love Adrian; I'm just marrying him because I was sold to him by my father and to give him an heir. But Adrian isn't all that horrible, for a mafia leader. He seems menacing at first glance, but if you get to know him, you'll find that he'd do everything for his family and respects and love those closest to him.

"Miss, are you having second thoughts? You have been starring at yourself for quite some time now" The lady replied, pulling me from my thoughts.

"No, I just- it's nothing," I answered. "I'll go get change"

"How much?" Adrian inquired, as we were paying.

"Five thousand euros" she said.

"WHAT?" I yelled.

"It's a new add to our collection and it just got in, so that's why it's pricey. So, I understand it if you can't afford it" the lady remarked.

"Did I say that I'm not paying for it?" Adrian asked, in a serious tone.

"Oh, then I guess you're paying by card, right?" she said.

"No" Adrian said, bringing out the money from his wallet.

"Thank you" the lady replied, as she gave the dress to our security.

"So, where to next?" I inquired about it.

"Food" he said.

"Yay! The finest part of it all" I remarked, like if I were a tiny child. He simply chuckled and we got back into the vehicle.

We spent the entire day preparing for the wedding, I must admit it was pleasant to spend time with him, he was hilarious and easy to chat to. We came home fairly late, and everyone was probably already sleeping. We stepped inside the mansion's entryway.

"What took you two so long?" Alexander asked.

"What are you still doing up?" Adrian asked.

"I need to talk to you, about Ace" Alexander answered.

"I'm going to bed, good night" I said. "And

It was pretty early, and I was training alone in the training room. I still couldn't believe I was getting married in a week now, time has flown, and everything was arranged, we didn't invite anybody special just my most trusted guys and my family. We were getting married on one of the private beaches I own. Sophia was the one who wanted a beach wedding, so I agreed, I mean I didn't really care about where it's place.

"Buongiorno capo" Alexander remarked, going in. (Good morning boss)

"Alexander, how are you?" I inquired about it.

"Good, I'm quite happy that you're getting married in just a week, and that you put me as your best man" he said.

"I mean you are my most trusted men, and we basically grew up together" I added.

"So, how's Sophia taking it?" he inquired.

"Not that bad actually, she doesn't look that annoyed with it, and she trusts me more day by day" I said.

"That's good, I'm making coffee, want some?" he offered.

"Sure, I'll just go and wake up Sophia, cause it's already eight" I replied, going out of the training room and making my way to my-our room, I mean we've been sleeping together for months now, so it's only right to call it our room, much more now that we're getting married in less than a week.

I stepped inside the room.

"Sophia, wake up!" I replied, slamming the door behind me. Not a reply.

"Sophia" I yelled again, and when I glanced back she was nowhere in the room.

Sophia wasn't there. I stepped closer to our bed and observed something on our bed.

It was a message, left by someone for me to discover. It read,

Dear Adrian,

How have you been old friend? The last time we chatted, I was so close to murdering you, but your little fiancé had to spoil everything. But it's alright. Remember the promise I made you, and I pledged to maintain it forever and you told me that it wasn't possible, well Sophia is now mine, and I'm going to inflict all the misery you caused on me to her, she's going to suffer for all your errors, and the most important thing I kept my promise as I said. I hope you had a wonderful final time with her since you are never seeing her again. See Adrian, this is what power does to you, it makes you a risk to everyone around you and everyone you love and care for will always be in danger because of you. I loathe you Adrian, never forget that.

Love, Sophia

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