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Enid POV:

I sat there with my eyes closed trying to sleep but I couldn't. My mind was full of thoughts of what I heard from yoko and Wednesday.

I don't know WHAT it was but there definitely were sucking sounds. I didn't turn around I didn't even want to know.

Once the plane lands I get up. Struggled to grab my bag luckily wens helps me more now.

We all get on the bus and go back to nevermore.
I sat with Wednesday. We held hands under the coat. She wants to keep us a secrete but of course only yoko knows.

I should find a new bestfriend or I'm gonna be third wheeling with yoko and wens all the time.
we got to the school and too our dorms

The first thing I do was jump into my pile of stuffed creatures.
Wednesday puts my things away as she yaps about stuff.

I honestly couldn't give a shit about what she was talking about it didn't really make any sense.

I just smiled she probably could tell I wasn't listening so she just sighed and went to the bathroom.

I felt kind of bad. She comes back out after like 7 minutes. I get up and stand in front of her.
She raised an eyebrow.

I lean down to kiss her and she didnt instantly return it. But she did after like 8 seconds.
She pulls away and wiped her mouth off.

I scoff. That kind of hurt my feelings.
She says the upset in my eyes.

"Sorry it's just my lip hurts" she says licking the bottom lip.
"Let me see" I say looking closer. She turns her head "no. No it's ok" she says biting her lip to cover it from my eyes.

"Why can't I see" she says trying to grab me.
"I'm fine" I say pulling away again. She grabs my arm and holds me still.

I try to turn my head so she wouldn't see the bite marks.
"Wens please" she says softly.
I look at her giving me the puppy eyes.
I close my eyes tightly. She sighs and drops my arms.

Wednesday POV:

I pull my sleeve over the bites on my wrist. She noticed but she didn't care she walked away. And out of the dorm.

I don't know where she's going or when she's coming back. I go to my desk and use my typewriter.

It's been about 10 minutes.

The loudspeaker comes on and I hear principal weems speak.
"The school is now on a full lockdown please go to your dorms and lock them along with all windows. There is a group of men with guns wanting to hurt you all please- " I heard a gun shot over the speakers before it cuts out.

I run to run window and lock it. Then to the door.
"Fuck where's Enid."  I say to myself I look out the peep hole and see nothing just the wall.

I open the door and look down both ways.
I don't see Enid or anyone.
I hear more gun shots and I instantly close my door when I heard a couple of screams.

I locked it. I open my phone and text Enid.

I put my phone away and quietly climb out of the window

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I put my phone away and quietly climb out of the window. I wait in a corner on the balcony.

I start to fall asleep. That's when I felt a hand grab mine. I acted fast but not too fast. I almost punched Enid in the head.

"Jesus" she says with wide eyes "sorry" I say we go back inside and sit in my closet and lock the door.

We hear banging on doors and more gunfire.
Enid is scared she grips my arm. It hurts. But she's scared.

They bang on our door. A few more times I thought they walked away.  But they shoot the door. They shot the locks right off the door.

They weren't just banging on the doors. They were getting in. Looking to kill.  The heavy foot steps walking around. Flipping the beds over looking the kill some kids.

Enid head goes into my shoulder to muffle her cry's. I reach over into my dresser and grabs gun it was already fully loaded. I held it close to me just in case. They shattered the window and after that I could tell they were gone.

After another 10 minutes I hear sirens and running in the halls.  The cops front the gun shots are being fired and thuds are heard just outside my door.

The loudspeaker goes on again. "Hello this is officer Mitch the group of men have been taken care of . But your principal is dead. You will all neeed to fall your parents and go home. If you do not own a cell phone come to the office and form a line" then the speaker cuts off

I hold Enid there in the  closet for a little longer. She eventually stops crying.
"I can't go home" she says underneath her breath but loud enough for me to hear.

"You're just gonna have to stay with me" I say kissing the top of her head.
"Really?" She says looking up at me.
I nod

wha the hell is going on?

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