the first date

323 2 9

Weeks later like 2??

Mark's POV:

I've followed through with the plan. I'm going on a dinner date with Enid.
I don't know I've fake dated her for a while I think I've caught feelings..

But I can't tell that to yoko or my own twin..
I get ready with a suit and tie and some dress shoes.

wenny cones into my dorm and looks at me.
She smiles and comes up to hug me.
"You look so handsome!" She says tugging at my suit.

"Just let me fix this" she sayd as she fixes my tie. I smile. I miss my sister I never lied to her. I can't keep this secret forever.

"So you know the plan?" She says when she finishes.
"Yea..." i hesitate.

Now that it was time to go I go outside to the parking lot. I get in my car which happens to be the exact same color and model as
Wednesday's car.

When I saw Enid I unlocked the doors. She got a bit confused when she got in.
"Is this your car?" She says looking around it.

I nod.

"It's just the same as...never mind let's go!!you look cute by the way "
She complimented me.
" do too" I say as I pull away.

Time skip after the date.
They ended up making out in the car after they left the restaurant. And they're in the car outside of nevermore.

"Well that was a good time" I say looking at Enid.
"Yea it was, hey uhm, you know about the field trip this Friday?"  She says putting her hair behind her ear and fixing herself to look at me.

"Yea why"  oh nothing just asking." She says
She kisses me on the cheek and gets out the car. We walk inside the building

when we get back to our dorm Enid just gets undressed. She doesn't even go to the closet or bathroom just in the open.

Im not sure where to look so I just closed my eyes.
She walks up to me. And removes my hands from my face..she was only in underwear
She grabs my pants waistline and tugs it.

She slides her head in my pants touching my dick through my boxers.
"Enid-" I try to tell her something

"Shh" she says starting to pull at my cock.
I push her away from me.
"Enid no. I'm not ready for this" I say fixing my pants.

"Oh I'm sorry" she says going to put her clothes back on.
"It's fine I'm just..thinking about things"I say walking to my side of the room
I sit on my bed and scratch the back of my neck.

This field trips gonna be complicated for this entire plan.

(It's short ikkk but sb gave me a idea and I just wanna get to the point yk🙄)

Wenclair •leap of faith•. *DISCONTINUED*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt