meet my friends.

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Wednesdays POV:

as I'm on my phone reading wattpad stories
I get  notification from Enid.
It says hi.

I glance over to her as she was lookin at me with a smile. She takes her hand and puts it to her lips as if she was zipping up a coat

I sigh. I open the message and text back with a simple "Hello"  she send me an emoji. I close the iMessage and continue reading. When I hear the door open and girls squealing.

I look to the door to see Enid hugging one of the girls and handshakes the other.
They're friends.

Great why are they here.

Enids POV:

Omg "yoko what are you guys doing here" I ask them hugging them.
"Well Div here, stood up to the teacher and she walked out. And I said that was badass and left with her"

"Omg eeeeek" "now we're all here meet Wednesday my roommate" I drag them over to her. She looks up at us slightly annoyed

"Yoko , Divina this is Wednesday!" I say they extend there hands. "Wednesday, yoko and divina!" I introduce them

She put her hands out crossing her arms to shake both their hands. Yoko and Enid just stare at each other awkwardly for a moment before they let go Of each other's hands.

I laugh awkwardly as we walk off.
We go sit at a table together just talking and laughing.

"It's boring as hell" yoko says groaning.
"For real" divina agrees.

"Y'all wanna play Truth or dare?" I ask them looking at them both. "Yesss" they squeal.

"Okkk who's first" I ask them.
"I want to answer first" divina says
"Ok I'll ask first" i say with a smile
I look at yoko and wink. She elbows me and smiles at me.

"Ok divina what is your sexuality"  i say side eyeing yoko.
"I'm bisexual" she says with a smile
I side eye yoko and she side eyes me. We both giggle.

"Are you too like dating or something?" Divina asks us.
"OH EW NO" I say loudly gagging.
"No were not but uhm Enid OuCh" yoko says putting her hand to her chest.

"Sorry but no. You're my best friend" I say with a straight face.
"Oh cool" divina says looking at yoko
With a smile.

They're so cuteeeee.

"Do You think we should invite Wednesday??"
Yoko says looking over to her.
"Hmm." I hum why does she even care about her the only just met.

"Yess thatd be fun" divina says.
"I'll go get her" yoko says standing up quickly and going to her.

K watch as yoko goes to  Wednesday as talks to her for a second. More than a second. What are they taking about.

Yoko pov:

I go to Wednesday and tap her shoulder. She takes an AirPod out and looks up to Me.

"Uh hey we're going to play truth or day you should join"  I speak as she sits up.

"Why would I" she says looking at me with no emotion or anything. " aren't you gay or something? You could have a chance to actually kiss a girl? I say with a smirk.

I'm doing this for Enid she needs something.

"Who told you that..Enid?" She says standing up. God she's so short.

"Yeah. She talks about you a lot" o say teasing her. "I'll play but if you make me kiss anyone or do something I don't want to do I will kill you" she says.

I laugh and was about to walk back. But she stops me.
She pull me by the shoulder and says something in my ear.
"I'm serious Tanaka. Also tell anyone your gone"  she whispers

"Yea right Addams" I say walking back. She follows and sits with us.

Enid gives me and Wednesday a weird look.
She leans to my ear "what took you guys so long" she says sounding accusatory.

"Just had a talk" I say pulling my self away.
"Before we start I'm gonna go talk with Enid" I say standing up and looking at Enid.

Se follows me into a corner to talk.
"Ok what's up" she asks

"Ok soo I know your bi"-Y


"And Wednesday's Gay"-Y

"Yoko what did you do???"-E

"Enid I'm just gonna dare you guys to kiss and if it goes well you too would be cute" -Y

"And if it doesn't?" -E

"The. Y'all stay friend"-Y


"Let's go!" -Y

We go back to he group be sit down. Rod game is finna be real interesting...

Wenclair •leap of faith•. *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now