Continuing Chapter one

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I get up and look around to see if anyone is watching, I use some magic to dry myself off and went to the cliff side looking around once more, I saw no one around, looking at the top of the cliff and jump into the air and pump my wings, I fly to the top of the cliff and landed as I cast the illusion on my wings making them disappear. As I walk back to my house, I see the pale still stuck on the log, I use a bit of magic to bring it to me. I then take it to fill the animal's water and pour it into a water trough when my mother comes out and looking furious.

"Mark, where have you been" she yells,

"I dropped the water pale into the river and fell in while trying to get the pale back, and then I fell down the waterfall, but a mage caught me just before I hit the water." I say, keeping my head down, expecting her to scream at me.

She sighs, "Are you ok," she asks calmly.

"Yes, I'm alright," I say back.

"Now finish with the animals and come inside" she says point to the animals,

I grab the food and feed it to the animals then head inside. As I walk in my mother came to me and ask, "What do you want for lunch?"

"What are my options" I reply,

"Well, I can make some sandwiches." She yells from the kitchen,

"Sounds good to me." I yell back,

I start to go to my room when I ask my mother, "When is dad getting home?" Just as I say that my father came walking in through the front door of the house. "Dad... how was the guild?" I say as I run to him,
"Someone came in and tried to join." He says with a sigh.

"Tried... W-What happened?" I question,

"He was using Dark magic, and I couldn't allow it, so I sent him away." he says,

"W-What was his name?" I ask hopping it wasn't Felix, but my hopes where short lived as my father says, "Felix... Felix Cadense.",

My eyes drop as I started to realize that the person that saved me from falling into the water used Dark Magic to do it, I cup my mouth almost vomiting at the thought. "Dad... I have something to tell you... That Dark mage, I met him I'm the woods, and he used Dark Magic on me." I say frightened, my father jumps out of his seat and screams, "WHAT!!!"

"Dad, he saved me from falling into the water at the bottom of the waterfall, and... He saw my wings." I say sorrowfully.
"It's not your fault... but we have to go now, Erin, grab our bags, we have to go." He says hastily

As he says that there's a knock at the door, my father sends me upstairs and walks to the door, he opens it to see one of his apprentices standing outside the door. "Koltar... what are you doing here?" He says surprised, Koltar has a shameful look upon his face as he says, "I'm sorry." Tears start to roll down his cheeks.

"Hello, Aliketh..." someone says, I knew That voice, it was Felix's, but from behind Koltar. I bolt down the stairs, but my father slams the door and starts running towards me and my mother when the door suddenly bursts open, striking my father down to the ground, blowing me back.

Felix emerges, magic crackling in his hands. He looks at me and smiled, "So this is your son... I'm going to have so much fun with torturing him in front of you, but we'll get to that later, but... He's not what I came for... I bet you know what I came for."
"W-What do you want" My father grunts trying to stand.

"I only want one thing... a stone that you have... a stone with great power, one that was entrusted to you be the Dragon Ruler himself." He says smiling,

"I'll never give it to you," he mutters,

Felix Laughs, "I know... That's why I will do something that will make you give it to me. And I will love doing it." He says will smiling with a grin on his face.

He turns sharply to me, smiling and slowly rising. I turn and run but only to stop and turn towards him with his hand extended out towards. He starts pulling me closer to him when my mother came out of the kitchen armed with a knife and throws it at Felix, but he catches it with his other hand and sends it hurtling back at her hitting her in the chest.

I scream as she slowly falls onto the ground and my father lungs at Felix to break his concentration on me so I could escape. He screams as he tackled Felix and I drop to the ground with my father telling me to run but Felix was able to send him flying back into a cross beam then to the ground. I dart for the door, but Felix grabs ahold of my arm.

He starts laughing, "Where do you think you're going... I think you have something of mine."

He looks at my wrist and says, "Ahh, there it is, merely being a disguised bracelet to hide your wings... Now what would happen if I took..." I punch him as hard as I could and try to run but with no luck, his hand still clung to my arm, pulling me back. "Well, well, looks like we have a fighter," He spit on the ground with a cut on his cheek from my punch. He grabs my bracelet and takes the stone off and holds it up in between his fingers as it transforms into a beautiful stone shining in the sun.

"Now let's test its power, He held you his hand towards my dad who was still on the floor and lifted him up into the air and pulled him close. My father's eyes start to move. Felix throws me onto the ground and grabs a few bottles from a pouch and began mixing them together, He began adding in each bottle's liquid into one, he then took the stone and crushed it to dust with his magic and poured it into the bottle and capped the bottle, shaking it to mix the ingredients together, it then starts to glow a deep purple Felix starts laughing.

"What is that" my father says weakly.

"Oh, this... this is a potion that I will use to give me infinite power" he starts laughing again then throws my father to the other side of the room. Suddenly magic hit Felix's hands and he drops the bottles on the ground and looks over to see Koltar in the doorway holding a stone with a bluish hew to its glow.

"What have you done..." He looks around to the bottles, most of them broken with their liquid spilling out on the floor.

"I... I... I can't let you hurt anyone anymore" Koltar mutters scarcely, Felix shoots a thunder bolt at Koltar striking him and sending him flying into a wall, knocking him out.

"That'll teach you to mess with me." He huffs, he then turns around to find his potion missing from the floor, his eyes darted across the room to see me running with the potion in hand.

"GET BACK HERE..." He screeches, he starts after me and grabs another bottle out of his bag and tackles me knocking both bottles out of our hands. "I've got you now Punk." he reaches for the bottles, but I grab him and pull back to keep him away from them. He reaches and grabs a bottle, opens it and throws its contents in my face. The liquid starts to feel as if it were burning my skin then seeps into it, I suddenly felt my heart thumbs hard and My breath starts to get erratic, it's hard to breath, my vision starts to fade, as I feel an immense pain erupt from my chest.

"You know this acidic poison is a real piece of work, I took a will for me to procure this poison, But I think it was worth it." He stands as I roll and hold my chest and trying to breathe, "Though it's weird that it soaked into your skin and left no burns or... Wait, NO." 

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